  • DST-FIST Sponsored College (2018-19)
  • UGC-NSQF Courses (B. Voc. & C.C.)
  • Best College Award – 2015-16 of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
  • NAAC Reacredited B++ Grade with CGPA 2.95 (3rd cycle 2020)
  • Scope and Importance
  • Faculty Members
  • Students Strength
  • Classwise Result
  • Workshop/ Seminars Conducted by Department
  • Workshop/ Seminars Attended
  • Research Projects
  • Research Publications
  • Books Publications
  • Details about Collaboration
  • Other Co-Curricular Activities
  • Awards and Achievements
  • Department Rankers
  • Placement Candidates
  • Courses Taught
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  • Any other Information

Botany is the scientific study of plant life. As a branch of biology, it is also called plant science(s), phytology, or plant biology.Botany is the science of plant life forms and living processes. 

  • As with other life forms in biology, plant life can be studied from different perspectives, from the molecular, genetic and biochemical level through organelles, cells, tissues, organs, individuals, plant populations, and communities of plants. At each of these levels a botanist might be concerned with the classification (taxonomy), structure (anatomy and morphology), or function (physiology)  and Breeding of plant life.
  • Historically, botany covers all organisms that were not considered to be animals. Some of these "plant-like" organisms include fungi (studied in mycology), bacteria and viruses (studied in microbiology), and algae (studied in phycology).
  • Most algae, fungi, and microbes are no longer considered to be in the plant kingdom. However, attention is still given to them by botanists, and bacteria, fungi, and algae are usually covered in introductory botany courses.
  • The study of plants has importance for a number of reasons. Plants are a fundamental part of life on Earth. They generate the oxygen, food, fibres, fuel and medicine that allow higher life forms to exist.
  • Plants also absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, a minor greenhouse gas that in large amounts can effect global climate. It is believed that the evolution of plants has changed the global atmosphere of the earth early in the earth's history and paleobotanists study ancient plants in the fossil record.
  • A good understanding of plants is crucial to the future of human societies as it allows us to:

* Produce food to feed an expanding population
* Understand fundamental life processes
* Produce medicine and materials to treat diseases and other ailments
* Understand environmental changes more clearly 




  • Our vision is to focus on the Inovative Teaching, out of box inovations, and outreach programme for lab to land and for the benifit of common people. 
  • Our mission is to nurture environment of excellence by attracting and supporting the outstanding students, faculty and staff needed to sustain the vision.
  • We focus on the patterns and processes that enable predictive understanding of plants and their environments at local, regional, and global scales, leading to strengths in the areas of Medicinal plants cultivation, Genetics, Plant Tissue Culture, Nutrition and systematics.
Permanent Teachers Full Time Teachers Total
Associate Assistant
NET 0 0 0 0
SET 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 2 0 2
NET /SET and Ph.D./M.phil. 0 2 0 2
M.A./M.Com./M.Sc. 0 0 2 2
Total 0 4 2 6

Teaching Staff (Permanent)

Dr. Mayur S. Patil

DesignationAssistant Professor,HOD
QualificationM.Sc., Ph.D., CSIR NET, ICAR NET, SET, GATE
E-Mail Idpatil.msacs@snjb.org
Experience 10 Years

Dr. Manoj T.Patil

DesignationAssistant Professor,Vice Principal
QualificationM.Sc., Ph.D
E-Mail Idpatil.mtacs@snjb.org
Experience 23 Years

Dr. Swapnil D. Wagh

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc., Ph. D., B.Ed., CSIR NET(JRF), ICAR NET, SET, GATE
E-Mail Idwagh.sdacs@snjb.org
Experience 11 Years

Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc., Ph.D.
E-Mail Iddalave.scacs@snjb.org
Experience 16 Years

Teaching Staff ( Temporary )

Ms. Bhakti V. Jadhav

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc.(Advance Seed Technology)
E-Mail Idjadhavbhakti1195@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Miss. Yogita M. Pawar

QualificationM.Sc. (Advance Seed Technology)
E-Mail Idyogitapawar329@gmail.com
Experience 3 Years

Miss. Rohini V. Kolhe

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. (Advance Seed Technology)
E-Mail Idrohinikolhe588@gmail.com
Experience 0 Years

Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Nilesh D. Shimpi

QualificationB.Sc., B.E. Computer
E-Mail Idnilshimpi1994@gmail.com
Experience 4 Years

Ms. Shital S. Nagare

E-Mail Idshitallahane97@gmail.com
Experience 0 Years

Mr.Bhushan V.Pathade

E-Mail Idpathadebhushan1984@gmail.com
Experience 2 Years

Mr. Krushna A. Shinde

E-Mail Idks9558688@gmail.com
Experience 2 Years

Under Graduate Student Strength

Year FY
Total SY
Total TY
2024-25 29 60 89 24 50 74 01 09 10
2023-24 37 65 102 9 49 58 0 6 6
2022-23 23 71 94 18 43 61 5 12 17
2021-22 24 57 81 28 68 96 6 27 33
2020-21 34 85 119 26 76 102 4 27 31
2019-20 27 80 107 12 61 73 4 16 20
2018-19 35 79 114 9 84 93 5 30 35
2017-18 26 107 133 31 71 102 10 23 33
2016-17 49 90 139 26 58 84 4 15 19
2015-16 48 74 122 19 43 62 4 17 21
2014-15 36 52 88 18 37 55 2 0 2
2013-14 18 43 61 6 10 16 1 3 4

Post Graduate Student Strength

Year M.Sc.-I
Total M.Sc.-II
2024-25 1 10 11 1 13 14
2023-24 3 14 17 1 16 17
2022-23 3 20 23 4 14 18
2021-22 4 22 26 6 18 24
2020-21 6 18 24 3 18 21
2019-20 6 18 24 5 18 23
2018-19 4 19 23 5 16 21
2017-18 6 18 24 7 13 20
2016-17 7 17 24 0

Under Graduate Classwise Result

Year FY
2023-24 89 84 94.38 43 32 74.42 6 5 83.33
2022-23 82 80 97.56 59 46 77.97 17 3 17.65
2021-22 80 79 98.75 96 89 92.71 33 31 93.94
2020-21 110 107 97.27 106 104 98.11 33 33 100.00
2019-20 102 90 88.24 90 83 92.22 21 20 95.24
2018-19 135 107 79.26 93 87 93.55 35 15 42.86
2017-18 130 114 87.69 99 93 93.94 33 21 63.64
2016-17 136 118 86.76 83 61 73.49 19 18 94.74
2015-16 131 117 89.31 60 53 88.33 20 16 80.00
2014-15 88 60 68.18 56 50 89.29 02 02 100.00
2013-14 61 56 91.80 18 10 55.56 04 02 50.00

Post Graduate Classwise Result

Year M.Sc.-I
2023-24 18 16 88.89 16 16 100.00
2022-23 23 23 100.00 18 16 88.89
2021-22 24 24 100.00 24 21 87.50
2020-21 24 24 100.00 21 21 100.00
2019-20 21 21 100.00 23 23 100.00
2018-19 23 20 86.96 21 20 95.24
2017-18 23 23 100.00 20 20 100.00
2016-17 22 20 90.91 - - 0.00
2015-16 - - 0.00 - - 0.00
2014-15 - - 0.00 - - 0.00
2013-14 - - 0.00 - - 0.00


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Opportunities in Life sciences through competitive examinations 12/04/2024 to 12/04/2024 University Dr. M.S.Patil College Report
2 Wild Vegetable Festival 30/10/2021 to 31/10/2021 Institute Dr. M. T. Patil Institute Report
3 One Day Workshop on Herberium Preparation and Maintenance 22/10/2021 to 23/10/2021 Institute Prof. S. D. Wagh Institute Report
4 Advanced Plant Propagation Practice 31/03/2021 to 31/03/2021 College Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Self-financed Report
5 CME-Medical Laboratory Techniques 25/08/2016 to 26/08/2016 State Dr. Manoj Patil UGC Report


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Advances in Life Sciences 19/01/2018 to 20/01/2018 National DR. MANOJ T. PATIL BCUD Report
2 Modern Techniques in life sciences: a practical approach 26/02/2016 to 27/02/2016 State Dr. Manoj Patil BCUD, SPPU Pune Report
BCUD International National National Conference State Total
5 10 16 1 16 48
Year Faculty Paper Title Conf. Name Place Level
2022-23 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Endemic Flowering Plants from Plateaus of Satmala Ranges, Maharashtra, India Annual Conference of the Indian Association For Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Seminar on Advances in Plant Systematics, Biogeography and Biodiversity Conservation Department of Botany, University of Calcutta International
2021-22 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Floristic Diversity on Plateaus of Satmala Ranges from Northern Western Ghats Annual Conference of the Indian Association For Angiosperm Taxonomy and International Conference on Documentation, Bioprospecting and Conservation of Biodiversity for Sustainable Development Kalsubai -Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary Bhandardara International
2019-20 Dr. Swapnil D Wagh Floristic Diversity of Sadetin Rodaga Basaltic Rock Outcrop, Chandwad, District Nasik (MH), India. Annual Conference of Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy. Jawahralal Nehru Tropical Botanical Garden Palod, Trivendrum, Kerala. International
2019-20 Dr. Manoj T. Patil Antibacterial Activity and Ethnobotanical Exploration of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. International Conference on “Drug Discovery and Development in Agrobiotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences on 23rd - 25th November, 2019 Smt. N. M. Padalia Pharmacy College, Ahmedabad International
2018-19 Dr. Swapnil D Wagh Endemic Flowering Plants of Rajderwadi Basaltic Rock Outcrop, Chandwad, District Nasik (MH), India. Recent Advances In Traditional Medicine, Medicinal Plants And Phytochemistry. Ahmednagar College. International
2018-19 Dr. Swapnil D Wagh Studies on Endemic Medicinal Flora of Chandreshwari Rock Outcrop, Nasik District (MH), India. Global opportunities in Chemical, Biological & Chemical Sciences. KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College Chandwad. National Conference
2018-19 Mayur S Patil Biochemical Investigation in Vigna sahydriana and Vigna indica Global Opportunities in Chemical,Biological and Material Science (GOCBMS) SNJB KKHA Arts,SMGL Commerce and SPHJ Science College Chandwad Dist Nashik -423101 National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Revised Accrediation Framework Shri Shivaji College, Parbhani (MS) National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Workshop on Academic & Administrative Audit’ MET’s Institute of Management, MET BKC, Nashik (MS) State
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Advances in Biodiversity, Biotechnology & Environment SSGM College, Kopergaon (MS) National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Biodiversity & Conservation- Present Scenario and Future Perseptives KTHM College, Nashik (MS) State
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Morphological Differences in Varieties of Carissa carrandus Advances in Life Sciences SNJBs KKHA Arts SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College, Chandwad (Nashik) Maharashtra National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Medicinal Plant Survey, Exploration and Conservation from Chandwad Region Advances in Life Sciences SNJBs KKHA Arts SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College, Chandwad (Nashik) Maharashtra National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Effect of Mutagenic Treatments on Germination Parameters of Cowpea Advances in Life Sciences SNJBs KKHA Arts SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College, Chandwad (Nashik) Maharashtra National
2017-18 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Study of Antioxidant Activities during Ripening Stages of Fruit In Tomato Advances in Life Sciences SNJBs KKHA Arts SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College, Chandwad (Nashik) Maharashtra National
2017-18 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Nil Advances in Biodiversity, Biotechnology & Environment Sadguru Gangageer Maharaj Science, Gautam Arts & Sanjivani Commerce College, Kopargaon National
2017-18 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Nil Basic Principles of Spectroscopy & Application in Pharmaceutical Sciences Shriman Sureshdada Jain College of Pharmacy Chandwad National
2017-18 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Nil Biodiversity conservation - Present Scenario & Future Perspective. K.T.H.M. College Nasik State
2017-18 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop National workshop on Florstics, Monographs & Revisionary Studies In The Age Of Molecular Systematics Shivaji University Kolhapur National
2017-18 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop TLC Workshop on Teaching & Learning in Plant Physiology & Biochemistry. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune National
2017-18 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL Floristic diversity of Wild Relatives of Grain Legumes from Nashik District Innovative research in Physical, Chemical and Life Sciences” (NCIRS-2018) Kolhapur on 24 feb,2018 National
2017-18 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL Nil Scenario and challenges of changing environment and biodiversity Saykheda on 6 Jan,2018 State
2017-18 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL Nil TLC Workshop on Taxonomy of angiosperms Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune on 30 Jan,2018 International
2017-18 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop TLC Workshop on Plant Embryology & Development Dept. of Botany Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. National
2017-18 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop One Day Workshop organised by Pani Foundation & SPPU Pune on Water shed managment at SPPU Pune Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune State
2017 - 18 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Ex-Situ Conservation Practice of Some Valuable Plants 6th International Conference in Botany Parner International
2017 - 18 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Workshop State level Workshop in Angiosperm Taxonomy Malegaon State
2017 - 18 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE भगवान महावीर व गौतम बुद्ध यांच्या विचारणाचा समाजावर व संस्कृतीवर प्रभाव Chandwad, State
2016-17 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL - Recent Advances in Biodiversity & Conservation KKW Arts, Science & Commerce College, Pimpalgaon (B.) State
2016-17 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Survey, Exploration & Conservation of Medicinal Plants from Chandwad Region (Nashik) A Regional Conference on INNOVATION-2016 KTHM College, Nashik on 30 Sep 2016 BCUD
2016-17 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop Workshop on NSS Annual Planning for Program officers. Bhausaheb Santuji Thorat ACS College Sangamner BCUD
2016-17 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Nil Recent advances in Biodiversity & its Conservation Kakasaheb Wagh ACS College Pimplgaon. State
2015-16 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Survey, Exploration & Conservation of Medicinal Plants from Chandwad Region (Nashik) Regional Conference on INNOVATION-2015 SMBST College, Sangamner Dist Ahmednagar on 4-5 July 2015 BCUD
2015-16 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL - Role of IQAC: Academic & Administrative Audit for Improvement in Institutional Quality K. J. Somaiya College, Kopergaon (MS) on 21-22 Jan 2016 National
2015-16 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop One Day Workshop on Avishkar SNJBs ACS College Chandwad BCUD
2015-16 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Nil Interdisciplinary aspect of Biodiversity and conservation of natural resorces Mahila Mahavidyalaya Malegaon State
2015-16 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE One Day Workshop on Avishkar Workshop Arts,Commerce and Science College Chandwad BCUD
2015-16 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE GPS andf Its Applications Chandwad State
2014-15 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Ex situ conservation of Bacopa moneiri (L.) Penell Biodiversity Arts Commerce & Science College, Nandgaon Dist. Nashik (MS) on 22-24 Jan 2015. International
2014-15 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Phytochemical analysis of weeds from Chandwad. New reserarch trends in Chemistry & its applications in environmental science Arts, Commerce & Science College Chandwad State
2014-15 Dr. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Workshop Workshop on Different Biochemical Techniques Panchvati college Nasik State
2014-15 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL phytochemical analysis of Weeds from Chandwad New reserarch trends in Chemistry & its applications in environmental science Chandwad State
2014-15 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Study of weeds as a Source of Pharmaceuticals from Chandwad Tahasil ew research trends in chemistry & its applications in environmental science Chandwad, State
2014-15 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Morphological and Biochemical Study of Autotetraploid Andrographis paniculata Wall Ex. Ness 2nd International Conference In Pharmacology, Sant. Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University International
2013-14 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Effect of gamma radiation on growth and biochemical parameters in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) “Status, Opportunities and Challenges in Life Sciences Radhabai Kale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Ahmednagar on September 17-19, 2013. National
2013-14 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Isolation and characterization of PSB and to analyze its effect on morphological and biochemical parameters in chickpea Organic Farming: Need of the Time Dada Patil Mahavidyalaya, Karjat Dist Ahmednagar (MS) on October 10-12, 2013 National
2013-14 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Tissue culture studies in Bacopa moneri Environmental Management & Conservation Arts Commerce & Science College, Nandgaon Dist. Nashik on 17-18 January 2014 State
Major Projects Minor Projects Total
Ongoing 1 2 3
Completed 0 2 2
Total Projects 1 4 5
Total Amount 1,260,000.00/- 1,240,000.00/- 2,500,000.00/-

Ongoing Research Projects

Major Projects (Ongoing)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Dr. S. C. Dalave High-tech agro cultivation and processing of medicinal plants: A pilot project for socio-economic upliftment of tribal people in Nashik District ICSSR, New Delhi 1260000.00 2019 2021
Total 1,260,000.00/-

Minor Projects (Ongoing)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Mr. M.S.Patil Nutritional Attributes of some Wild Legumes ASPIRE,SPPU,Pune 300000.00 2019 2021
2 Mr. Swapnil D. Wagh Floristic and Ecological Studies on Some Selected Plateaus of Satmala Ranges of Western Ghats. SPPU Aspire Research Mentorship Grant. 300000.00 2019 2021
Total 600,000.00/-

Completed Research Projects

Minor Projects (Completed)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Dr. M. T. Patil Induction of Genetic Variability for Agronomic Traits in Cowpea WRO, UGC, Pune 440000.00 2014 2016
2 Dr. M. T. Patil Survey, Exploration & Conservation of Medicinal Plants from Chandwad Region (Nashik) BCUD, SPPU, Pune 200000.00 2014 2016
Total 640,000.00/-
Sr.No. Title of the Paper Name of the Authors Name of Journal, Vol. (No.), Pages Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN Number
2 Nutritional Studies on Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Mayur Patil, Sanjay Auti BIOINFOLET 21 ( 3 ) : 356 - 358, 2024 2024 0973-1431
3 Wild edible and ethno medicinal angiosperms from plateaus of Satmala ranges, Nasik district, Maharashtra, India Swapnil D. Wagh & M T Patil FLORA AND FAUNA, Vol. 29 No.2 PP 279-285 2023 2456 - 9364
4 Legumes (Fabaceae) from Satmala hills, Maharashtra, India Swapnil D. Wagh & M T Patil Journal of Threatened Taxa 15(12): 24427–24436 2023 0974-7907
5 Studies on Microhabitat Diversity of Sadetin Rodaga Basaltic Rock Outcrop, Nasik District (Maharashtra), India Swapnil D. Wagh & M T Patil Indian Forester, 148 (8): 663-671, 2022 2022 2321-094x
6 Additions to The Flora of Nashik District, Maharashtra, India Swapnil D. Wagh & M T Patil FLORA AND FAUNA, Vol. 19 No.1 PP 51-57 2022 0973-1431
7 Nutritional Perspective of Sesbania species: an underutilized wild legume from Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India Mayur Patil, Sanjay Auti Acta fytotechn zootechn, 25, 2022(2): 165–173 2022 1336-9245
8 Unravelling the regulatory role of miRNAs in secondary metabolite production in medicinal crops Shreya Chakraborty, Prasann Kumar, Rupa Sanyal, Abhijit Bhagwan Mane, Dorairaj Arvind Prasanth, Manoj Patil, Abhijit Dey Plant Gene, 27, 100303 (1-7) 2021 2352-4073
9 Phytoplanktonic diversity study in Deothan reservoir (Maharashtra) Barshile J D, Wagh B D, Jondhale A S, Dalave SC, M T Patil International Journal of Botany Studies, 6(5), 1536-1541. 2021 2455-541X
10 Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha): A comprehensive review on ethnopharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, biomedicinal and toxicological aspects Subhabrata Paul, Shreya Chakraborty, Uttpal Anand, Swarnali Dey, Samapika Nandy, Mimosa Ghorai, Suchismita Chatterjee Saha, Manoj Tukaram Patil, Ramesh Kandimalla, Jarosław Prockow, Abhijit Dey Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 143, 112175 2021 0753-3322
11 Improving bold seed mutant in chickpea using induced mutagenesis Barshile J D, Jondhale A S, S C Dalave International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 6, Issue 5, Page No. 1449-1451 2021 2455-541X
12 Phytoplanktonic diversity study in Deothan reservoir (Maharashtra) Barshile J D, Wagh B D, Jondhale A S, Dalave S C, M T Patil International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 6, Issue 5, Page No. 1536-1541 2021 2455-541X
13 Nutritional evaluation of an underexploited legume, Indigofera: A comparative study Mayur Patil, Shinde Suraj, Auti Sanjay Annals: Food Science and Technology, 21, 3 2020 2065-2828
14 Nutritional studies of Wild Vigna Species from North Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India. Mayur Patil, Rashmi Jadhav and Sanjay Auti Bioinfolet, 17 (3A), 431-433 2020 0973-1431
15 Nutritional potential of Alysicarpus species: an underexploited legume from North Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India Mayur Patil, Sanjay Auti International Research Journal of Plant Science, 11 (S1), 1-3. 2020 2141-5447
16 Ethnomedicinal Survey of Medicinal Plants Used for the Treatment to Cure Diarrhoea and Dysentery in Peth Region of Nashik District Dr. M. T. Patil International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 e ISSN 2348 - 1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
17 Endemic Flowering Plants of Rajderwadi Basaltic Rock Outcrop, Chandwad, District Nashik (MH), India Swapnil D. Wagh RJLBPCS 2019 2019 E-ISSN 2454-6348
18 Studies on antimicrobial activities of selected algae from Maharashtra. Abhay N. Salve , Swaranjali S. Gadhe, Manoj T. Patil & Aniroodha V. Pethkar Indian Hydrobiology 2019 ISSN 0971-6548
19 Morphological and Biochemical Study of Autotetraploid Andrographis paniculata Wall Ex. Ness Sudhin C. Dalave Ajanta 2018 2277-5730
20 Floristic Diversity of Wild Relatives of Grain Legumes from Nashik District Mayur S.Patil, Sanjay G Auti AMIERJ,Vol VII,Special Issue IX 2018 2278-5655
21 Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Aspergillus niger P.D. Lokare and Dalave S.C. Flora and Fauna, 22, 120 2016 0971-6920
22 Induction of Autotetraploidy in Centella asiatica (L.) Urban B.J.Apparao, S.C. Dalave and A.S. Jondhale Advances in Plant Sciences 2015 0970-3586
23 Protection Against Oxidative Stress By Semecarpus Anacardium Wani A. S., Inamdar T., Patil M.T. and Patil B.A. Trends In Biotechnology Research. 3(1):18-22. 2014 ISSN 2320-0421(print) 2320-043X (online)
24 Gamma rays induced mutations in cowpea Patil M. T., V.B.Gaigove, & B. J. Apparao Flora & Fauna. 19(1):143-146. 2013 ISN 2456-9364 (online) ISBN 0971-6920 (Print)
Sr.No. Member Academic Yr. Book Name Publication
1 Dalave S.C. 2024 Biodiversity in India: Past, Present and Future, Biodiversity Conservation Present scenario and future prospects Walnut Publication
2 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave 2024 Applied Aspects of Plant Sciences Vision Publication
3 Dalave S.C. and Patil A.M. 2023 G-20 Summit in India : An overview of Opportunities Atharv Publication
4 Dr. Manoj Tukaram Patil 2020 Practical Botany Prashant Publications, Jalgaon (MS) India, ISBN No. 978-93-89493-21-4
5 Dr. Manoj Tukaram Patil 2020 Taxonomy of Angiosperms & Plant Ecology and Plant Anatomy & Embryology Prashant Publications, Jalgaon (MS) India. ISBN No. 978-93-89493-21-4
6 Dr. Manoj Tukaram Patil 2020 Plant Physiology and Plant Biotechnology Prashant Publications, Jalgaon (MS) India, ISBN No. 978-93-89493-21-4
7 Dr. Manoj Tukaram Patil 2019-20 Plant Morphology and Anatomy Principles of Plant Science Prashant Publications, Jalgaon (MS) India, ISBN No. 978-93-88769-77-8
8 Dr. Manoj Tukaram Patil 2016-17 Plant Biotechnology Success Publications, Pune (MS) India, ISBN No. 978-93-5158-498-8
Sr.No. Description
1 Department has a collaboration with Faculty Members of Deapartment of Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
2 Department has a collaboration with Faculty Members of Deapartment of Botany, of Shiivaji University, Kolhapur
3 Department has a collaboration with Faculty Members of Deapartment of Biochemistry of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad
4 Department has a collaboration with Faculty Members of Deapartment of Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology, of Govt. Institute of Science, Aurangabad
5 Department has a collaboration with Faculty Members of Deapartment of Microbiology of Govt. Institute of Science, Mumbai
6 Department has Collaboration with Gayatri Hitech Nursery Bhoyegaon
Sr.No. Year Activity
1 2023-24 Field Visit of S.Y.B.Sc. Botany Students to Botanical Garden and Polyhouse
2 2019-20 one day visit of the S.Y.B.Sc. students were organised for the biodiversity study at Bhandardara Forest during the academic year 2019-20
3 2019-20 Student of M.Sc. part -I joined one month Certificate Course in "Landascaping and Garden Designing"
4 2019-20 Excursion tour of T.Y.B.Sc & M.Sc I Botany at Anjeneri Plateau on 24 September 2019.
5 2019-20 Excursion tour of M.Sc II Botany at Sadetin Rodaga Basaltic Rock Outcrop, Chandwad on 04 November 2019
6 2019-20 Department of Botany organized Wild Vegetable Festival & Green Day on 05 November 2019.
7 2018-19 Students of S.Y.B.Sc. Botany Visited College of Agriculture Pune, Mapro garden Mahabaleshwar, forest of Mahabaleshwar etc. during the academic year 2018-19
8 2018-19 Student of M.Sc. part -I joined one month Certificate Course in "Landascaping and Garden Designing"
9 2018-19 Prof. Ashish Wani , Ahmadnagar delivered a guest lecture on Biostatistics on 08/04/2019 for PG students
10 2018-19 Dr.Sharad Kambale , ACS Tribamkeshwar delivered a guest lecture on Angiosperm Taxonomy on 02/03/2019 for PG students
11 2017-18 Excursion tour of T.Y.B.Sc & M.Sc Students at Kas Plateau Satara & Shivaji University Kolhapur.
12 2017-18 Excursion tour of M.Sc 1st & M.Sc 2nd at Sula Vine Yards & YCMOU Nasik.
13 2017-18 Excursion tour of S.Y.B.Sc at Govt. Agricultural College Pune & Mahabaleshwar.
14 2017-18 Dept. of Botany Organised Flower Exhibition & Poster Presentation Competition.
15 2017-18 Visit to Model hi-tech Nursery at Mahatma Phule Agricultural University Rahuri
16 2017-18 Student of M.Sc. part -I joined one month Certificate Course in "Landascaping and Garden Designing"
17 2017-18 Department of Botany Started Compost, Vermicompost, Apiculture Units in College Campus.
18 2017-18 Dr.V.B.Shimpale, Kolhpur delivered Guest Lecture on Angiosperm taxonomy on 03/10/2017 for PG Students
19 2017-18 Dr. Manshingh Nimbalkar ,Shivaji university Kolhapur delivered guest lecture on Developmental Botany &Genetics on 3/10/2017 for PG students
20 2017-18 Dr.Vasudev Zambare ,Nasik delivered a guest lecture on Biomathematics on 31/03/2018 for PG students
21 2017-18 Prof. Ashish Wani ,Ahmadnagar delivered a guest lecture on Bioinformatics on 15/02/2018 for PG students
22 2017-18 Dr. Kantilal Vakte,Kopergaon delivered a guest lecture on Gardening & Landscaping on 04/04/2018 for PG students
23 2016-17 Excursion tour of F.Y.B.Sc students at Chankapur Dam & Saputara, Gujrat. (Biodiversity Rich Place).
24 2016-17 Excursion tour of T.Y.B.Sc & M.Sc 1st students at Balasaheb Sawant Kokan Krushi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli Dist Ratnagiri & Mahabaleshwar.
25 2016-17 Excursion tour of S.Y.B.Sc students at Rahuri Krushi Vidyapith.
26 2016-17 Industrial visit of T.Y.B.Sc & M.Sc 1st students at Mushroom Industry Wadalibhoi, Chandwad.
27 2016-17 Prof. R.S.Kharde , Chandwad delivered a guest lecture on Awareness of pharmacognocy & Medicinal Plants on 17/01/2017 for PG
28 2016-17 Dr.Abhay Salve, Government Institute of Science Aurangabad delivered aguest lecture on Algal technology on 11/04/2017 for PG students
29 2016-17 Dr. M. V. Padul ,BAMU Aurangabad delivered guest lecture on Molecular Biology on 11/04/2017 for PG students
30 2016-17 Dr. Nilesh Malpure ,Sanjivani college Kopergaon delivered a guest lecture on Angiosperm Taxanomy on 08/04/2017 for PG students
31 2016-17 Dr. P. B. Gopal Reddy ,PVP college Pravara Nagar delivered a guest lecture on Fungi on 15/04/2017 for PG students
32 2015-16 S.Y.B.Sc. Academic visits to Natural Biodiversity spot at Bhandardara Dam
33 2015-16 Excursion tour of F.Y.B.Sc students at Saputara (Gujrat).
34 2015-16 Dr. Ashok Giri ,NCL Pune delivered a guest lecture on PLant Insect Interaction on 28/02/2016 for UG students
35 2015-16 Dr. S.L.Lawre , Fergusen college Pune delivered aguest lecture on Biochemistry on 28/02/2016 for UG students
36 2014-15 Organised Botanical Excursion Tour at Matheran
37 2014-15 Students of Botany Dept. Frequently visit nearby hills for Biodiversity study.
38 2014-15 S.Y./T.Y. B.Sc. Academic visits to Bhandardara Dam, Kalsubai Haishchandragadh sanctuary to study Flora & Fauna
39 2014-15 Mr. N. K. Jha , Cambium BIotech Private Ltd Vadalibhoi delivered aguest lecture on Mushroom Study on 22/022015 for UG students
40 2013-14 S.Y./T.Y.B.Sc. Academic visits to Jain Tissue Culture, Food Processing & Biotech Park at Jalgaon
41 2013-14 F.Y./S.Y./T.Y.B.Sc. Academic visits to Saputara to study Plant Biodiversity
Sr.No. Staff Member Award
1 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL Qualified ASRB ICAR NET in Agricultural Biotechnology held on 6 April,2018
2 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Gold Medal awarded for the Best Research Paper, presented during 15th Scientist Meet and National Conference on New Vistas in Microbiology and Plant Sciences, organized by, The Academy of Plant Sciences, India. 19th - 20th September 2006.
3 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE First Prize winner for the research project entitled “Genetic Improvement of C. asiatica for the yield of Asiaticoside”, presented at District as well as University Level in Avishkar 2007, organized by University of Pune.
4 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE First Prize winner for the research project, entitled “Introduction of the Autotetraploid C. asiatica”, presented at District level in Avishkar 2006, organized by University of Pune.
5 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Late Mohasinbhai Fazalehusen Bohari Award for securing first class with distinction and highest number of marks at the B.Sc. degree examination in Botany. During the academic year 2001-2002.
6 DR. SUDIN CHANDRAKANT DALVE Awarded Third Prize for securing third rank of marks at the M.Sc. -1 examination in Botany. In the academic year 2002-2003.
7 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Asst. prof. Swapnil D Wagh & his colleagues awarded by Deputy Collector Office Chandwad for there excellent work in Water Shed Management Camp Organised by Pani Foundation & SPPU Pune at Urdul.
8 SHRI. MAYUR SURESH PATIL Secured First Rank in M.J.College,Jalgaon in all M.Sc streams (Year 2010)
9 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Recognized Post Graduate Teacher and Guide for M. Phil / Ph.D. in Botany of Savitribai Phule Pune University
10 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Young Scientist, Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Ahmednagar
11 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Research Scholar in Avishkar-2007 at University Level
12 DR. MANOJ TUKARAM PATIL Research Scholar in Avishkar-2008 at State Level
13 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Secured 1st rank in B.Sc Botany (85%) as well as M.Sc Botany (72.20%).
14 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Secured All India Rank 10th in CSIR JRF NET Exam.
15 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Secured All India Rank 302 in Life Sciences GATE Exam.
16 SHRI. SWAPNIL DAYARAM WAGH Qualified ICAR NET as well as SET Exam
17 Mr.MAYUR SURESH PATIL Selected through MPSC as Assistant Professor , Maharashtra Education Services (MES) Group A
18 Dr. Manoj T. Patil Academy of Plant Sciences in India (APSI) National Award
19 Dr Manoj T Patil Research Scholar by Institute of Scholars Bangalore (KA) Nov 2020
    [2019-20] => Array
            [PG] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => 310
                            [year] => 2019-20
                            [cclass] => M.Sc.
                            [sname] => Mr. Ashok Namdeo Choudhari
                            [per] => 
                            [urankno] => 1
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2018-19] => Array
            [PG] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [id] => 309
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => M.Sc.
                            [sname] => Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare
                            [per] => 
                            [urankno] => 1
                            [dept] => Botany


            [UG] => Array
                    [2] => Array
                            [id] => 276
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Pawar Yogita Motiram
                            [per] => 87.50
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [3] => Array
                            [id] => 277
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Shaikh Shifanaz Sajid
                            [per] => 82.83
                            [urankno] => Second
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [4] => Array
                            [id] => 278
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Lokhande Archana Ghanshyam
                            [per] => 82.50
                            [urankno] => Third
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2017-18] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [5] => Array
                            [id] => 163
                            [year] => 2017-18
                            [cclass] => TYBSc
                            [sname] => Ms. Priyanka S. Khangal
                            [per] => 86.75
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [6] => Array
                            [id] => 279
                            [year] => 2017-18
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Jadhav Rashmi Hemant
                            [per] => 82.10
                            [urankno] => Second
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [7] => Array
                            [id] => 280
                            [year] => 2017-18
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Nikam Deepti Yadav
                            [per] => 79.50
                            [urankno] => Third
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2016-17] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [8] => Array
                            [id] => 54
                            [year] => 2016-17
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Shaikh Gulbasha Aslam
                            [per] => 85.25
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [9] => Array
                            [id] => 303
                            [year] => 2016-17
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Waghaj Archana Vishnu
                            [per] => 84.66
                            [urankno] => Second
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [10] => Array
                            [id] => 304
                            [year] => 2016-17
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Shinde Tejashree Hiraman
                            [per] => 82.00
                            [urankno] => Third
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2015-16] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [11] => Array
                            [id] => 53
                            [year] => 2015-16
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Karishma Bhila Pawar
                            [per] => 87.10
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [12] => Array
                            [id] => 305
                            [year] => 2015-16
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Honrao Pradnya Balasaheb
                            [per] => 81.08
                            [urankno] => Second
                            [dept] => Botany

                    [13] => Array
                            [id] => 306
                            [year] => 2015-16
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Thombare Vinod Babaji
                            [per] => 81.03
                            [urankno] => Third
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2014-15] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [14] => Array
                            [id] => 52
                            [year] => 2014-15
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc
                            [sname] => Gautam Arun Gangurde
                            [per] => 60.66
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany



    [2013-14] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [15] => Array
                            [id] => 41
                            [year] => 2013-14
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.Sc.
                            [sname] => Gidge Yogesh Uttam
                            [per] => 78.25
                            [urankno] => First
                            [dept] => Botany




Academic Year - 2019-20

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Post Graduate Rankers
1 2019-20 M.Sc. Mr. Ashok Namdeo Choudhari 1

Academic Year - 2018-19

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Pawar Yogita Motiram 87.50 First
2 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Shaikh Shifanaz Sajid 82.83 Second
3 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Lokhande Archana Ghanshyam 82.50 Third
Post Graduate Rankers
1 2018-19 M.Sc. Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare 1

Academic Year - 2017-18

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2017-18 TYBSc Ms. Priyanka S. Khangal 86.75 First
2 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Jadhav Rashmi Hemant 82.10 Second
3 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Nikam Deepti Yadav 79.50 Third

Academic Year - 2016-17

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2016-17 T.Y.B.Sc Shaikh Gulbasha Aslam 85.25 First
2 2016-17 T.Y.B.Sc Waghaj Archana Vishnu 84.66 Second
3 2016-17 T.Y.B.Sc Shinde Tejashree Hiraman 82.00 Third

Academic Year - 2015-16

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2015-16 T.Y.B.Sc Karishma Bhila Pawar 87.10 First
2 2015-16 T.Y.B.Sc Honrao Pradnya Balasaheb 81.08 Second
3 2015-16 T.Y.B.Sc Thombare Vinod Babaji 81.03 Third

Academic Year - 2014-15

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2014-15 T.Y.B.Sc Gautam Arun Gangurde 60.66 First

Academic Year - 2013-14

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2013-14 T.Y.B.Sc. Gidge Yogesh Uttam 78.25 First
Sr.No. Student Name Organization Class Passing Year View
1 Ms.Shradha Tushar Suryavanshi tele target IIT Industry malegaon M.Sc 2018-19 -
2 Ms. Monali Sanjay Morankar seed industry jalna M.Sc 2018-19 -
3 Ms.Savita Govind Zlore Samartha Medical Dhodambe M.Sc 2018-19 -
4 Ms.Tejushri Hiraman Shinde acs collede chandwad M.Sc 2018-19 -
5 Ms. sonali Dilip Sonavne acs collede chandwad M.Sc 2018-19 -
6 Ms.Komal Sanjay Deore New english medium school Umrane M.Sc 2017-18 -
7 Mr. Gautam Arun Gangurde acs college chandwad M.Sc 2017-18 -
8 Mr. Navnath Vitthal Pawar ACS COllege, Chandwad M.Sc.-II 2017-18 -
9 Mr. Sagar Ghanshyam Lokhande KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerrce and SPHJ Science College, Chandwad M.Sc. -II 2017-18 -
10 Ms. priyanka Prabhakar patil acs college Malegaon M.Sc 2017-2018 -
11 Ms.Usha Sakharam Aher New english medium school Umrane B.Sc 2017-2018 -
12 Mr.Yogesh Uttam Gidge Acs college chandwad M.sc II 2016-2017 -

Under Graduate Courses


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
F.Y.B.Sc Term I, Plant Life and Utilization I (Paper 1st) 111 BO111 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Term I,Plant Morphology and Anatomy (Paper 2nd) 112 BO112 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Term II, Plant Life and Utilization II (Paper 1st) 121 BO121 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Term II,Principles of Plant Science (Paper II) 122 BO122 Compulsory UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
S.Y.B.Sc Semester I, Taxanomy of Angiosperm & Plant Communitiy. (Paper I) 81411 BO211 Compulsory UG
S.Y.B.Sc Semester I, Plant Physiology, (Paper II) 81421 BO212 Compulsory UG
S.Y.B.Sc Semester II, Plant anatomy & Embryology,( Paper I) 81412 BO221 Compulsory UG
S.Y.B.Sc Semester II, Plant Biotechnology (Paper II) 81422 BO222 Compulsory UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Cryptogamic Botany, (Paper I) 91413 BO331 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Cell and Molecular Biology, (Paper II) 91423 BO332 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Genetics and Evolution, (Paper III) 91433 BO333 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Spermatophyta and Palaeobotany, (Paper IV) 91443 BO334 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Horticulture and Floriculture, (Paper V) 91453 BO335 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester III, Computational Botany, (Paper VI) 91463 BO336 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, (Paper I) 91414 BO341 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Plant Ecology and Biodiversity, (Paper II) 91424 BO342 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Plant Pathology, (Paper III) 91434 BO343 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Medicinal and Economic Botany, (Paper IV) 91444 BO344 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Plant Biotechnology, (Paper V) 91454 BO345 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Semester IV, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, (Paper VI) 91464 BO346 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Practical-I 91474 BO347 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Practical-II 91484 BO348 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Practical-III 91494 BO349 Compulsory UG

Post Graduate Courses


Class Name Course Name Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc-I Semester I,Plant Systematics I,(Paper I) BOUT111 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester I,Cell Biology(Paper II) BOUT112 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester I, Cytogenetics,Plant Breeding and Evolution (Paper III) BOUT113 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester I,Pomoculture and Fruit Processing Technology (Paper IV) BODT114 Optional PG
M.Sc-I Semester I, Practicals Based on BOUT111,BOUT112 and BOUT113 (Paper V) BOUP115 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester I, Practicals Based On BODT114 (Paper VI) BODP114 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester II, Plant Systematics II(Paper I) BOUT121 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester II,Molecular Biology(Paper II) BOUT122 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester II, Biochemistry (Paper III) BOUT123 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester II,Floriculture and Nursery Management (Paper IV) BODT124 Optional PG
M.Sc-I Semester II,Practical Paper based on BOUT121,BOUT122 AND BOUT123 (Paper V) BOUP125 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Semester II, Practicals Based on BODT124 (Paper VI) BODP124 Compulsory PG


Class Name Course Name Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc-II Semester III, Spermatophytic Botany, (Paper I) BO 3.1 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester III, Developmental and Economic Botany, (Paper II) BO 3.2 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester III, Industrial Botany I, (Paper III) BO 3.3 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester III, Advanced Seed Technology, (Paper IV) BO 3.48 Optional PG
M.Sc-II Semester III, Practicals Based on BO 3.1, BO 3.2 and BO 3.3, (Paper V) BO 3.5 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester III, Practicals Based on Special Paper BO 3.48, (Paper VI) BO 3.6 Optional PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Computational Botany, (Paper I) BO 4.1 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Plant Organism Interaction, (Paper II) BO 4.2 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Industrial Botany II, (Paper III) BO 4.3 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Plant Pathology, (Paper IV) BO 4.4 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Practicals Based on BO 4.1,BO 4.2, BO 4.3 and BO 4.4, (Paper V) BO 4.5 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II Semester IV, Research Methodology and Summer Training Report, (Paper VI) BO 4.6 Compulsory PG

Downloads - Botany

Sr.No. Class Chapter/Practical Topic Name of Teacher Download
1 S.Y.B.Sc. Plant Biotechnology Basics in Plant Genetic Engineering Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Download
2 M.Sc. Botany Botanical Techniques Centrifugation Technique Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Download
3 T.Y.B.Sc Plant Biotechnology Plant Tissue Culture Mr.Mayur S.Patil Download
4 M.Sc I Cell Biology Cell Structure & Function Mr. Swapnil D Wagh Download
5 M.Sc II Developmental Botany Development of Mega & Microsporangia Mr. Sagar G. Lokhande Download
6 M.Sc II Seed Technology Seed Dormancy Mr. Navnath V. Pawar Download
7 All - Flora of College Campus - Download
8 All - Ornamental Plants From College Campus - Download
Sr.No. Name of Equipment Specifications Make Quantity Funded by
1 Laminar Air flow Velocity 90 FPM ±20% Hepa Filter 99.999 % efficiency for particles >0.3 μm Pre-Filter 85 %efficiency for particles >0.5 μm (Washable) Particle Count Better than US Fed Std 209B Class10 and VDI 2083 Class 3 Cabinet Laminated High Qu Aleolus 02 Self
2 Incubator 1°C to 70°C Biotech India 02
3 Shaker For blending and Agitation Thermo scientific 01
4 Microwave oven 0°C -180°C LG 01
5 Electronic Weighing Machine 1 gm to 10 kg ESSAE 01
6 Binocular Microscope 10 X to 100 X Coslab 02
7 Phase contrast Microscope 10 X to 65 X Nikon 01
8 Roto shaker Platform capacity 4.500kg Remi 01
9 Micropipettes 1μl to 1000μl Thermo and Eppendorf 03
10 Thermometer 0°C to 250°C Thermo scientific 10
11 PCR machine DNA Amplification MJ Research 01
12 Electrophoresis apparatus For separation of bio-molecules Genei 05
13 Compound Microscope 10 X to 45 X Coslab 25
14 Calorimeter 400 to 700 nm Systronics 01
15 PH Meter Acidic to basic Toshcon 02
16 Vaccum Pump 0.25Gp light weight 01
17 Oven 50°C to 300°C Biotech India 01
18 Binocular Microscope 10 X to 100 X Labomed 01
19 Autoclave 0 to 30 psi-kg/cm² Biotech India 01
20 Rotary Microtome 0.25μ to 100μ Coslab 01
21 Centrifuge machine 1000 to 5000 rpm Remi 01
22 Digital Balance Max 120g to min 0.001 g Citizen 01
23 Dissecting Microscope Full-size stereo zoom Coslab 12
24 Water bath 30°C to 110°C Biotech India 01
25 Soil testing kit For checking soil parameters Prerana laboratory 01
26 Glass Distillation unit 2 lit capacity Borosil 01
27 Spectrophotometer To read the wave length 300 to 700nm Systronics 01
28 Vertical Electrophoresis For SDS PAGE Genie 01
29 Submerged Gel Electrophoresis 50 to 100 V Genie 02
30 UV translumination 20*20 TCm College and Book Genie 02
31 Autoclave 12*12 in complete s.s. Biotech India 01
32 Boerner Divider Model 38"x17"x43"(H x W x D) Sunshine 01
33 Seed Herbarium Model (S-129) Seed display Sunshine
34 UV Spectrophotometer Double Beam Systronics 01
35 Flame photometer with compressor Sodium potassium etc Systronics 01
36 Muffle Furnace The working temperature range of a muffle furnace can be from 5°C above ambient to 1800°C Velocity 1 DST-FIST
Sr.No. Other Activity
1 Asst. prof. Swapnil D Wagh working as NSS Program Officer since 2017-18.
2 Asst. prof. Swapnil D Wagh Worked as senior supervisor for university exam held in Oct/Nov 2017
3 Dr. Sudin C. Dalave Working as College Examination Officer From 2017
4 Dr. Sudin C. Dalave Working as PG Coordinator in Botany Since 2016
5 Asst. Prof. Swapnil D Wagh worked as coordinator for Students Health Program Organised by SPPU Pune.
6 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Nodal Officer, UGC
7 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Nodal Officer, Community College Scheme of UGC XII plan (Diploma in Medical Lab Technician)
8 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Chairman, Science Association
9 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Programme of S.Y.B,Sc.
10 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Coordinator, NAAC
11 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Member, College Development Committee
12 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Member & Assistant Coordinator, IQAC
13 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Member, Purchase Committee
14 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Member, Building Maintenance Committee
15 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a Member, Library Committee
16 Dr. Manoj Patil is working as a I/c Head, Department of Zoology
17 Mr.Mayur S.Patil is working as College Exam Officer from April 2019
18 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Working as I/c Head at Department f Zoology
19 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave working as Mentor for the B.Sc.-II from 2016
20 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Working as Coordinator for B.Voc. in Green House Management funded by UGC
21 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave Working as Coordinator for Certificate Course in Landscaping and Garden Designing form 2017-18 to till date
22 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave working as a Memebr in various committees formed for the "Proposal writing" i.e KAUSHAL, B.VOC., DBT STAR College, DST-FIST etc.
23 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave also have Charge of Bio fertilizer Production Unit
24 Dr. Sudhin C. Dalave working as in charge for Polyhouse and Shade net Management
25 Department of Botany have established Polyhouse and shade net for hitech Organic cultivation of vegetables

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