  • DST-FIST Sponsored College (2018-19)
  • UGC-NSQF Courses (B. Voc. & C.C.)
  • Best College Award – 2015-16 of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
  • NAAC Reacredited B++ Grade with CGPA 2.95 (3rd cycle 2020)
  • Scope and Importance
  • Faculty Members
  • Students Strength
  • Classwise Result
  • Workshop/ Seminars Conducted by Department
  • Workshop/ Seminars Attended
  • Research Projects
  • Research Publications
  • Books Publications
  • Details about Collaboration
  • Other Co-Curricular Activities
  • Awards and Achievements
  • Department Rankers
  • Placement Candidates
  • Courses Taught
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  • Any other Information

Year of Establishment: U.G. 2010 ; P.G. July 2014

The Department of Chemistry started its journey in the year 2010, after the establishment of this college in the year 1970. This is pioneer Department right from the inception of the Science College. Department is having well qualified staff and our laboratories are well equipped and modernized to provide an excellent environment for teaching and research. Department offers U.G. and P.G. courses in a friendly and supportive academic community enabling our students to achieve their full potential and develop into employable graduates and post graduates. Department of Chemistry has received grants from UGC, WRO and BCUD, SPPU, Pune for minor research projects.

Graduates from this course will be better prepared to understand the new environment-friendly systems and can understand the processes that the chemical industry is adopting. After doing BSc Chemistry, one can go for MSc in Chemistry or take up various jobs and also take up internships to prepare for industry level entries. Some of the jobs are as follows:

  • Analytical Chemist
  • Bio-medical Chemist
  • Chemical Engineering Associate
  • Industrial Research Scientist
  • Lab Chemist
  • Materials Technologist
  • Production Chemist
  • Production Officer
  • Quality Controller
  • R&D Director
  • Research & Development Manager
  • Safety Health and Environment Specialist

The marvels of chemistry are endless. The chemist is the magician who can turn waste products into things both beautiful and useful. Thus from coal one gets coal-gas and its bye-product, coal-dyes, saccharine and many more substances. Waste products like saw-dust can be made to yield oil and acids. Marvelous indeed are the achievements of modern chemistry.

We are living in an age of synthetic products. The increased demand for various natural products and the fact that they may not be easily available everywhere has led to a new development in the world of chemistry. Today natural products are often created artificially by chemical processes Natural indigo has been completely superseded by equivalent synthetic dyes. Real silk manufactured from the cocoon is a costly product and is not readily obtained in all climatic conditions. This has given rise to a large industry of artificial silk called rayon or nylon or by other patented names. During the silk the occupation of the great rubber-producing country of Malaysia by the Japanese led to the development of an artificial rubber industry. Another branch full of endless possibilities is that of plastics. There is nothing that cannot be done with plastics—from clothing to buildings. These examples will give an idea of the role that chemistry will play in the new age that is coming.

In the science of medicine, the use of chemistry is fundamental. The men who dispense the prescriptions of the physician are rightly called ‘chemists’. Chemical research goes hand in hand with medical research. Thus the development of organic chemistry has revolutionized the basis of modern medicine. The discovery, of wonder-drugs like penicillin and streptomycin, and the application of the chemistry of dyes to therapeutics have brought about incalculable benefits to humanity.

The use of chemistry for the agriculturist is also very great, Chemical fertilizers are effectively re-enforcing primitive forms of manure greatly to the enrichment of the soil. Indeed, soil chemistry is a fruitful subject of study and research, particularly in an agricultural country like India. In Russia a chemical laboratory is attached to every farm in order to carry on continuous research in fertilizers and growth-stimulants. We are also introducing harvesting laboratories to help the farmer.

The contribution of chemical science to military science involving destruction is as great as tits creative side. It has helped the large- scale production of glycerin and nitric acid and thus stimulated the manufacture of high-grade explosives in ever-increasing quantities. It has created poisonous gases which are a perpetual threat to the existence of mankind. We live every day in dread that some desperate nation, having reached the dead-end of conventional weapons, would invent some new forms of chemical warfare fraught with new risks to humanity.

Permanent Teachers Full Time Teachers Total
Associate Assistant
NET 0 2 0 2
SET 0 0 1 1
Ph.D. 0 2 0 2
NET /SET and Ph.D./M.phil. 0 1 1 2
M.A./M.Com./M.Sc. 0 0 6 6
Total 0 5 8 13

Teaching Staff (Permanent)

Dr. Rakesh S. Sancheti

DesignationAssistant Professor,HOD
QualificationM.Sc.Inorganic Chemistry, Ph.D.
E-Mail Idsancheti.rsacs@snjb.org
Experience 16 Years

Mr. Sanjay P. Khairnar

DesignationAssistant Professor,Vice Principal
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry, NET
E-Mail Idsnj.khairnar@gmail.com
Experience 12 Years

Mrs. Minakshi A. Todarwal

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry, NET
E-Mail Idtodarwal.maacs@snjb.org
Experience 11 Years

Dr. Arvind M. Patil

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Physical Chemistry, Ph.D.
E-Mail Idpatil.amacs@snjb.org
Experience 24 Years

Dr. Valmik S. Aware

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry, Ph.D., SET
E-Mail Idaware.vsacs@snjb.org
Experience 10 Years

Teaching Staff ( Temporary )

Miss. Pallavi Sharad Karpe

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
E-Mail Idpallavikarpe62@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Miss. Monali Bhimrao Jadhav

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry
E-Mail Idjadhavmona0505@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Mayuri S. Khangal

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM. Sc.
E-Mail Idmayuriskhangal@gmail.com

Shivaji K. Chavan

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM. Sc.
E-Mail Idshivajikchavan@gmail.com

Miss. Sajeda Samreen Sayyed Ibrahim

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Physical Chemistry, SET, B.Ed
E-Mail Idsamreensajeda424@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Ms. Sonali R. Bothe

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry
E-Mail Idsonali.bothe008@gmail.com
Experience 6 Years

Miss. Rohini G. Jadhav

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry
E-Mail Idrohinijadhav817@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Mr. Avinash D. Aher

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.Sc. Organic Chemistry
E-Mail Idaviaher10@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Non-Teaching Staff

Mr.Kiran S. Nikam

E-Mail Idnikam10@gmail.com
Experience 9 Years

Mr. Dhananjay S. Shinde

DesignationLab Asst
E-Mail Iddhanjayshinde163@gmail.com
Experience 8 Years

Mr. Audumbar K. Bidgar

DesignationLab Attend
Experience 6 Month

Mr. Sunil B. Chaudhari

DesignationLab Attend
E-Mail Idchaudharisunil87@gmail.com
Experience 5 Years

Mr. Navnath L. Walke

DesignationLab Attend
E-Mail Idwalke.nlacs@snjb.org
Experience 1 Year

Mr. Sopan S. Yashwante

DesignationLab Attend
QualificationB.A. I.T.I.
E-Mail Idsopanyashwante001@gmail.com

Mr. Kiran S. Garud

DesignationLab Attend
E-Mail Idgarudkiran295@gmail.com

Mr. Sharad B. Barde

DesignationLab Attend
E-Mail Idsharadbb@gamil.com

Under Graduate Student Strength

Year FY
Total SY
Total TY
2024-25 38 80 118 25 63 88 6 25 31
2023-24 52 104 156 18 58 76 16 37 53
2022-23 51 119 170 37 63 100 21 35 56
2021-22 61 94 155 42 77 119 13 39 52
2020-21 78 123 201 26 77 103 15 42 57
2019-20 58 130 188 25 77 102 7 44 51
2018-19 93 141 234 19 97 116 34 29 63
2018-19 83 133 216 19 96 115 33 29 62
2017-18 74 188 262 60 88 148 22 20 42
2017-18 73 188 261 60 88 148 22 20 42
2016-17 108 155 263 45 77 122 09 22 31
2016-17 107 155 262 45 77 122 09 23 32
2015-16 111 151 262 25 59 84 07 17 24
2014-15 79 113 192 24 53 77 03 08 11
2013-14 43 88 131 22 14 36 01 03 4

Post Graduate Organic Student Strength

Year M.Sc.-I
Total M.Sc.-II
2024-25 13 (Org), 06 (Ana) 30 (Org), 18 (Ana) 43 7 (Org), 06 (Ana) 38 (Org), 12 (Ana) 45
2023-24 9 (Org), 9 (Ana) 35 (Org), 13 (Ana) 44 14 (Org), 3 (Ana) 24 (Org), 17 (Ana) 38
2022-23 21 (Org), 4 (Ana) 27 (Org), 19 (Ana) 48 19 (Org), 11 (Ana) 29 (Org), 15 (Ana) 48
2021-22 20 (Org), 11 (Ana) 31 (Org), 15 (Ana) 51 22 (Org), 14 (Ana) 26 (Org), 11 (Ana) 48
2020-21 22 (Org),14 (Ana) 26(Organic),10 (Ana) 48 22 (Org),10 (Ana) 24 (Organic),15 (Ana) 46
2019-20 22 (Org Che),09 (Ana) 26 (Org Che),14 (Ana) 48 22 (Org Che),16 (Ana) 26 (Org Che),07 (Ana) 48
2018-19 23(Organic) 24(Organic) 47 19(Organic) 18(Organic) 37
2017-18 26(Organic) 22(Organic) 48 24(Organic) 11(Organic) 35
2016-17 31(Organic) 15(Organic) 46 12(Organic) 11(Organic) 23
2015-16 12(Organic) 12(Organic) 24 14(Organic) 7(Organic) 21
2014-15 17(Organic) 07(Organic) 24 0

Post Graduate Analytic Student Strength

Year M.Sc.-I
Total M.Sc.-II
2024-25 13 (Org), 06 (Ana) 30 (Org), 18 (Ana) 43 7 (Org), 06 (Ana) 38 (Org), 12 (Ana) 45
2023-24 9 (Org), 9 (Ana) 35 (Org), 13 (Ana) 44 14 (Org), 3 (Ana) 24 (Org), 17 (Ana) 38
2022-23 21 (Org), 4 (Ana) 27 (Org), 19 (Ana) 48 19 (Org), 11 (Ana) 29 (Org), 15 (Ana) 48
2021-22 20 (Org), 11 (Ana) 31 (Org), 15 (Ana) 51 22 (Org), 14 (Ana) 26 (Org), 11 (Ana) 48
2020-21 22 (Org),14 (Ana) 26(Organic),10 (Ana) 48 22 (Org),10 (Ana) 24 (Organic),15 (Ana) 46
2019-20 22 (Org Che),09 (Ana) 26 (Org Che),14 (Ana) 48 22 (Org Che),16 (Ana) 26 (Org Che),07 (Ana) 48
2018-19 17(Analytical) 7(Analytical) 24 9(Analytical) 15(Analytical) 24
2017-18 11(Analytical) 13(Analytical) 24 11(Analytical) 10(Analytical) 21
2016-17 11(Analytical) 13 (Analytical) 24 0

Under Graduate Classwise Result

Year FY
2023-24 156 120 76.92 72 41 56.94 50 34 68.00
2022-23 155 120 77.42 72 50 69.44 49 31 63.27
2021-22 170 130 76.47 110 106 96.36 52 36 69.23
2020-21 169 145 85.80 98 94 95.92 56 54 96.43
2019-20 163 87 53.37 97 97 100.00 51 46 90.20
2018-19 238 106 44.54 110 37 33.64 63 46 73.02
2017-18 0.00 0.00 0.00
2017-18 254 167 65.75 137 65 47.45 42 23 54.76
2016-17 248 154 62.10 119 60 50.42 31 14 45.16
2015-16 243 133 54.73 81 33 40.74 23 15 65.22
2014-15 178 136 76.40 69 20 28.99 11 04 36.36
2013-14 124 107 86.29 26 16 61.54 04 02 50.00

Post Graduate Analytical Chemistry Result

Year M.Sc.-I
2019-20 48 Org chem 48 Org.chem 100.00 23 Ana chem 22 Ana chem 95.65
2017-18 21(Anal Che 19 (Anal Ch 90.48 19 (Anal Ch 07 (Anal Ch 36.84

Post Graduate Organic Chemistry Result

Year M.Sc.-I
2023-24 44 (Org), 2 10 (Org), 1 22.73 38 (Org), 1 8 (Org) 9 ( 21.05
2022-23 48 (Org), 2 25 (Org), 1 52.08 48 (Org) 1 20 (Org) 10 41.67
2020-21 48 (Org) 24 46 (Org) 23 95.83 46 (Org) 24 43 (Org) 21 93.48
2019-20 48 Org chem 48 Org.chem 100.00 23 Ana chem 22 Ana chem 95.65
2018-19 48 (Org Che 48 (Org Che 100.00 36 (Org Che 18 (Org Che 50.00
2017-18 47(Org Chem 41(Org Chem 87.23 35(Org Chem 13(Org Chem 37.14
2016-17 44(Org Chem 44(Org Chem 100.00 23(Org Chem 16(Org Chem 69.57
2015-16 23(Org Chem 23(Org Chem 100.00 21(Org Chem 9(Org Chem) 42.86
2014-15 24(Org Chem 24(Org Chem 100.00 NA NA 0.00


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Webinar 08/04/2024 to 08/04/2024 Satelevel Dr. Arvind Patil and Dr. Rakesh Sancheti Report
2 One day National Webinar on "Career Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Industry and Educational Opportunities in Germany" 08/01/2022 to 09/01/2022 National Dr. Valmik S. Aware Self-financed -
3 Carrier Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Industry and Educational Opportunities in Germany 08/01/2022 to 09/01/2022 National Dr. V. S. Aware Institute Report


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Fire Safety Workshop 21/02/2024 to 21/02/2024 Dr. Rakesh Sancheti Report
2 Advances in spectroscopy and formulations 22/03/2021 to 23/03/2021 College Dr. Rakesh S.Sancheti Self-financed Report


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Global opportunities in Chemical, Biological and Material Sciences (GOCBMS-2018) 28/12/2018 to 29/12/2018 National Dr. Arvind M. Patil QIP, SPPU, Pune Report
2 New research trends in Chemistry & its applications in environmental science 26/02/2016 to 27/02/2016 State Shri. Sanjay P. Khairnar WRO, UGC, New Delhi Report
3 New research trends in Chemistry & its applications in environmental science 30/12/2014 to 31/12/2014 State Dr. Arvind M. Patil BCUD, SPPU, Pune Report
BCUD International National Regional State State Level University Total
6 4 12 1 4 6 2 35
Year Faculty Paper Title Conf. Name Place Level
2019-20 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL Synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes containing 2-hydroxyacetophenone National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences on 31st August 2019 Shri SBES's Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded National
2019-20 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA National Workshop on Achieving Excellence Through Quality Assurance System BPHE Society's Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar National
2019-20 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal NA State Level Seminar on HPLC and LCMS North Maharashtra University Jalgaon State Level
2018-19 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal Synthesis of Schiff Bases on Green Approach New Research Trends in Chemistry and its Application in Environmental Science KKHA Arts,SMGL Commerce SPHJ Science College Chandwad State Level
2018-19 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal Synthesis of polydentate schiff bases and their metal complexes derived from N,S,O donor Ligands ICFMST-2019 Functional Material and Stimulation Techniques Chandigarh University International
2018-19 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal Synthesis,Spectral Studies and biological activity of Metal Complexes containing N,S,O donor Polydentate Ligands GOCBMS-2018-Global Opportunities in Chemical,Biological and Material Sciences. KKHA Arts,SMGL Commerce,SPHJ Science College, Chandwad. National
2018-19 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal NA One day workshop on Laboratory and Industrial Safety North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon State Level
2017-2018 SMT. MINAKSHEE ABHIJIT TODARWAL International Conference in Fundamental Materials International Conference Nashik International
2017-18 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR NA Chemistry in Drug discovery and material science Ozar(Mig),Nashik State
2017-18 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA One day State level Seminar on ' Applications of Material Science' on 3rd February, 2018 HPT Arts and RYK Science College, Nashik State Level
2016-2017 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL Metal complexes of Schiff bases and their antimicrobial activity Innovation-2016 Regional Research Conference KTHM College Nashik BCUD
2016-17 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Green protocol for synthesis of Naphthoquinone based dyes and its application in dye sensitised solar cells Innovation 2016,Regional Research Conference KTHM College,Nashik BCUD
2016-17 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA Two day's National Conference on 'Basic Principles of Spectroscopy & Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences SNJB's Shriman Sureshdada Jain College of Pharmacy Chandwad National
2016-17 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA 1st National Conference on ' Advances in Chemical Sciences' on 4th March 2017 School of Chemical Sciences, NMU, Jalgaon-425 001. National
2016-17 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal Synthesis,Spectral Studies of coordination compound of N,S,O Donor Ligands Innovation-2016 KTHM College,Chandwad National
2016-17 DR. RAKESH SURESHCHAND SANCHETI Coordination Compounds of Isoniazide-Hydrazone Ligand: Crystal Structure of Iron Complex “Advances in Chemical Sciences” School of Chemical Sciences, NMU, Jalgaon National
2015-2016 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL Metal Complexes of Schiff bases and their antimicrobial activity Innovation-2015 Regional Research Conference SMBST College, Sangamner BCUD
2015-16 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR NA Role of IQAC:Academic and Administrative Audit for Improvement in Institutional Quality K.J.Somaiya College,Kopargaon. National
2015-16 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA One day Workshop on 'The Scope of revised (CBCS) curriculum of M.Sc. (I & II) Chemistry and allied subjects' in collaboration with SRTMU Nanded L.B.S. College, Dharmabad Dist Nanded University
2015-16 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA Two days State level Seminar on 'Optical Activity and Stereo Chemistry' on 19-20 January 2016 MVP's K.K. Wagh Arts, Science & Commerce College, Pimpalgaon(B) Dist Nashik State Level
2015-16 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA One day Workshop on 'Graduation Ceremony' on 9th January 2016 KTHM College Nashik Regional
2015-16 Mrs.Minakshee.A.Todarwal Synthesis,Spectral Studies and antimicrobial activity of N,S,O donor Ligands Innovation 2015 SMBT College Sangamner State level
2015-16 DR. RAKESH SURESHCHAND SANCHETI Novel Polydentate Schiff-base Metal Complexes” Innovation KTHM, College,Nashik BCUD
2015-16 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Green Protocol for synthesis of Naphthoquinone derivatives as photosensitizer in dye sensitized solar cells Innovation2015,Regional Research Conference SMBT College, Sangamner BCUD
2015-16 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Green Protocol for the synthesis of brominated naphthoquinones as antifungal and antibacterial agents Recent Trends in chemical and Environmental Sciences Sangamner International
2014-2015 SMT. MINAKSHEE ABHIJIT TODARWAL National Workshop on Scientific Research Paper Writing. National Workshop pune National
2014-15 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA National Seminar on 'Challenges to 21st Century India on 15-16 May, 2015 UGC-HRDC, Kumaun University, Nainital National
2014-15 DR. RAKESH SURESHCHAND SANCHETI Crystal structure, EPR, Antioxidative and Antibacterial activity of Adducts of Copper (II) complexes containing 1-(2-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-3-methylbenzylidene)thiosemicarbazide and heterocyclic bases “New Research Trends in Chemistry and its Applications in Environmental Science" SNJB’s KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerce and SPHJ Science College, Chandwad, Nashik State
2014-15 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Synthesis and Characterisation of some novel furyl and aryl substituted pyrazoline derivatives from Chalcones Environmental Issues and Benefits with Special Reference to Polymer Industries Dnyanasadhana College,Thane National
2013-2014 SMT. MINAKSHEE ABHIJIT TODARWAL One Day Workshop On Avishkar Workshop chandwad BCUD
2013-2014 SMT. MINAKSHEE ABHIJIT TODARWAL Importance and applications of green chemistry Seminar Nashik State
2013-14 DR. ARVIND MAROTIRAO PATIL NA Workshop on Framing of S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry Syllabi Jointly organized by KTHM COllege Nashik and University of Pune, Pune-7 KTHM College Nashik University
2013-14 DR. RAKESH SURESHCHAND SANCHETI Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of bis-Hydrazone Transition Metal Complexes: Crystal Structure of Iron Complex. Global Opportunities for Latest Developments in Chemistry & Technology-2014 School of Chemical Sciences, NMU, Jalgaon International
2013-14 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Redefining the Role of chemistry in modern science V.N.Naik College,Nashik National
2013-14 SHRI. SANJAY PUNDLIK KHAIRNAR Orientation Course for N.S.S Programme Officer Ahmednagar college State
Major Projects Minor Projects Total
Ongoing 0 4 4
Completed 0 6 6
Total Projects 0 10 10
Total Amount 0.00/- 2,360,000.00/- 2,360,000.00/-

Ongoing Research Projects

Minor Projects (Ongoing)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Mr. S. P. Khairnar Design and synthesis of biologically active novel fluorine containing quioline derivatives ASPIRE, SPPU, Pune 200000.00 2019 2021
2 Dr. R. S. Sancheti New Nitrogen-oxygen Containing Ligands and Coordination compounds UGC, WRO, Pune 410000.00 2016 2018
3 Mrs. M. A. Todarwal Synthesis Of Novel Schiff Bases Showing microbial activity UGC, WRO, Pune 390000.00 2016 2018
4 Dr. V. S. Aware Synthesis of novel 4 & 9H-substituted [4,5-b] indole as a selective JAK 2 inhibitors. BCUD, SPPU, Pune 200000.00 2016 2018
Total 1,200,000.00/-

Completed Research Projects

Minor Projects (Completed)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Dr. A. M. Patil Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Halogen Substituted Schiff Bases & their Metal Complexes UGC, WRO, Pune 220000.00 2014 2016
2 Mr. S. P. Khairnar Environmentally benign green approach for synthesis of novel series of naphthoquinone derivatives as a potent antifungal and antibacterial agents UGC, WRO, Pune 220000.00 2014 2016
3 Mrs. M. A. Todarwal Synthesis,Spectral Studies of Co-ordination compounds Containing N,S,O Donar Ligands BCUD, SPPU, Pune 200000.00 2014 2016
4 Dr. R. S. Sancheti Novel Polydentate Schiff-base Metal Complexes BCUD, SPPU, Pune 200000.00 2014 2016
5 Dr. A. M. Patil Metal complexes of Schiff bases and their antimicrobial activity. BCUD,SPPU, Pune 220000.00 2014 2016
6 Mr. S. P. Khairnar Green protocol for synthesis of novel Naphthoquinone based dyes as photosensitizers for dye sensitized solar cells' BCUD, SPPU, Pune 100000.00 2014 2016
Total 1,160,000.00/-
Sr.No. Title of the Paper Name of the Authors Name of Journal, Vol. (No.), Pages Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN Number
1 Anti-Malarial and Multi-Bioactive Co (II), Cu (II) and Ni (II) Salen Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Computational Studies Minakshee A. Todarwal, Rakesh S. Sancheti, Sumit R. Nikume, Harun M. Patel, Ratnamala S. Bendre Chemistry and Biodiversity 2024
2 Exploring New Derivatives of 5-Hydroxysalicyaldehyde as Promising Antimicrobial Compounds Towards Drug-Resistant Microorganism Minakshee Abhijeet Todarwal, Rakesh S. Sancheti, Hakikulla H. Shah, Arvind M. Patil, Rahul D. Patil & Ratanmala S. Bendre Chemistry Africa Volume 7, pages 3149–3155, (2024) 2024
3 Synthesis, characterization, DFT, biological activities and molecular docking analysis of Schiff base ligand and its transition metal complexes Todarwal, M. A.; Tadavi, S. K.; Sancheti, R. S.; Bendre, R. S. European Journal of Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): June 2024 2024
4 Ru(II)/PEG-400: A green synthesis of indolyl-oxindoles and indolyl-cyclohexanedione hybrids as potential antimicrobial agent Shaila S Wagh, Arvind M Patil & Hanmant M Kasralikar Indian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 62, pp. 107-114 2023 0019-5103
5 Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, Biological activities, DFT Computation, and Molecular docking Studies of Azomethines. Minakshee A. Todarwal1 , Rakesh S. Sancheti1 , Arvind M. Patil1 , Jaiprakash N Sangshetti2 , Manoj. G. Damale3 , Ratnamala S. Bendre Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(10), 11470-11491 2023
6 Cordia sebestena leaf extract mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, characterization, and screening of its antimicrobial activities Rakesh S. Sancheti a , Sajeda Samreen a , Anil B. Gite b , Pramod N. Patil c , Mahesh P. Patil d , HaRakesh S. Sancheti a,* , Sajeda Samreen a , Anil B. Gite b , Pramod N. Patil c , Mahesh P. Patil d , Hakikulla H. Shah a , Arvind M. Patil a , Minakshee A. Todarwal a , Manoj T. Patil e Green Chemistry 2023
7 Hit discovery of novel 2-phenyl-substituted 4-amino–6,7-dihydro-5H-cyclopenta[d]pyrimidines as potential anti-glioblastoma therapeutics: Design, synthesis, biological evaluation, and computational screening Sanjay Khairnar, Anjali Sonawane, Rameshwar S. Cheke, Prashant S. Kharkar, Vishwas Gaikwad, Sambhaji Patil, Valmik Aware Drug Developement Research 2023
8 Indian patent published 'A new green synthesis and characterization of Silver Nano Particle' Dr. Arvind Patil, Dr. Santosh Chobe and Dr. Amol Kategaonkar -- 2022 --
9 Metal free poly (4-vinypyridine) supported ionic liquid as a green and sustainable catalyst for skilful synthesis of chromene derivatives Kure Patil A. S., Patel G. M., Akuskar S. K. and Patil A. M. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 12 (2), 117 2021 0976-9595
10 Synthesis, spectral characterization and antitubercular study of novel quinoline Schiff base and its metal complexes Vibhute Baliram T., Patil Sanjay K. and Patil Arvind M. Taylor and Francis Analytical Chemistry Letters, 11 (4), 523 2021 2230-7532
11 Efficient green synthesis, molecular modeling and antimicrobial investigations of novel chloroflavone libraries Santosh S. Chobe, Nilesh J. Mali, Charushila K. Nerkar, Savita S. Chobe, Arvind M. Patil and Trupti Tated Asian Journal of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry (AJOMC), 6 (3), 161-166 2021 2456-8937
12 Synthesis and characterization of new Schiff bases as Methicillin Resistant Staphylococus Aureus (MRSA) Inhibitors Rakesh Sancheti and Ratnamala Bendre Elsevier ScienceDirect ; Journal of Molecular Structure 2021 0022-2860
13 Indian Patent Published and Granted: A novel legand, metal complex and process for synthesis of metal complex using the ligand Arvind Patil, Rakesh Sancheti, Minakshee Todarwal, Gotan Jain, Sarika Shinde and Omprakash Bhusnure 2021
14 Development and characterization of Tamarindus Indica-Phospolipids complex as an effective phytoconstituents delivery system by QbD approach Nalwar Yogesh S., Gholve S.B., Giram Padmaja S., Gaikwad Abhimanyu, Patil Arvind M. and Bhusnure Omprakash G. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 7, Issue 3, 51-64 2020 2349-5162
15 Validated RP-HPLC method for estimation of APIXABAN in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms Nalwar Yogesh S., Imran Mujewar N., Gholve S.B., Giram Padmaja S., Patil Arvind M.and Bhusnure Omprakash G. Volume 7, Issue 3, 65-72 2020 2349-5162
16 Antifungal activity of biosynthesized CuO nanoparticles using leaves extract of Moringa oleifera and their structural characterizations Khanderao Pagar et al. Asian Journal of Nanoscience and Materials, 3, 15-23 2019 2345-4806
17 Synthesis of CeVO4 nanoparticles using sol-gel auto combustion method and their antifungal activity Khanderao Pagar et al. Nanochem Res 3(2): 189-196, Summer and Autumn 2018 2018 2538-4279
18 Cyclopentyl - pyrimidine based analogues as novel and potent IGF-1R inhibitor Aware Valmik S. et al. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Elsevier), Vol. 92,  246-256 2015 0223-5234
19 Antimicrobial Study of Some Aromatic Halogen hydroxy Aldehydes and Ketones Sarla N. Kalyankar and Arvind M. Patil Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS), Vol. 04, Issue 02, 171-176 2013 0975-8585
Sr.No. Member Academic Yr. Book Name Publication
1 Dr. Rakesh S. Sancheti 2021-22 Inorganic Chemistry Prashant Publications, Jalgaon (M.S.) India
2 Dr. Arvind M. Patil 2021-22 Physical Chemistry Success Publications Pune (M.S.) India, ISBN: 978-93-24457-48-2
Sr.No. Description
1 Department of Chemistry is having MOU with Channabasweshwar Pharmacy College (Degree), Latur-4135512 for the mutual interests in the field of education and research from 23 August, 2019
Sr.No. Year Activity
1 2024-25 LMCCAT Faizpur Chemistry Aptitude Test 2023-14 organized by Faizpur college
2 2023-24 CHEMO-FEST 2024
3 2023-24 The Clean-Chem Lab. Mumbai has been selected five students for R&D and ADL department.
4 2023-24 Mac-Chem Products (India) Ltd. Andheri, Mumbai selected nine students for API R&D and ADL department
5 2023-24 CHEMIAD Quiz Competition-2024 organized by MSG College, Malegaon
6 2023-24 “CHEMO-FEST” inter collegiate chemistry model and poster competition on 15th March, 2024
7 2023-24 A one day webinar on Chemistry and Its Industrial Applications was organized on 08th April, 2024
8 2023-24 On 21st Feb. 2024 department organized Fire and Safety workshop for the Chemistry students as a best practice
9 2023-24 Guest Lectures organized by Department of chemistry for PG students. Resource Persons: 1. Prof A. V. Borhade 2. Dr. Tope
10 2019-20 Chem-Quiz Competition
11 2018-19 Quiz Competition.
12 2018-19 Poster Competition
13 2018-19 Academic Visit to IISER,Pune and Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra
14 2018-19 CHEMIAD-2019
15 2018-19 Industrial Visit to Megafine Ltd, Lakhamapur, Dindori
16 2018-19 Fire Safety Workshop
17 2017-2018 CHEMIAD-2018
18 2017-18 Fire Safety Workshop
19 2016-2017 CHEMIAD-2017
20 2016-17 Industrial Visit to Pidilite Pvt Ltd,Mahad
21 2015-2016 NET-SET-Workshop
22 2015-2016 CHEMIAD-2016
23 2015-16 Industrial Visit to Globe Chemie Industry MIDC, Sinnar
24 2013-14 Academic Visit to Khodad GMRT
Sr.No. Staff Member Award
1 Dr. V. S. Aware Ph.D. S.P.P.U. Pune
2 Mr. P. B. Thete SET, S.P.P.U. Pune
3 Mrs. M. A.Todarwal Ph.D Registration
4 Mr. S. P. Khairnar Ph.D completed

Academic Year - 2019-20

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2019-20 T.Y.B.Sc. Miss. Thakare Gayatri S. 87.41 First
2 2019-20 T.Y.B.Sc. Miss. Pawar Pranjal S. 83.41 Second
3 2019-20 T.Y.B.Sc Miss. Pawar Mrunali K. 82.29 Third
Post Graduate Organic Chemistry Rankers
1 2019-20 M.Sc. Organic C Mr. Bedse Pratik Sudhir 73.09 First
2 2019-20 M.Sc. Organic C Miss. Bhagwat Vaishali D. 72.64 Second
Post Graduate Anaylitical Chemistry Rankers
1 2019-20 M.Sc. Analytica Mr. Khule Atish Keshav 73.77 First
2 2019-20 M.Sc. Analytica Miss. Jagtap Chaitali N. 72.27 Second
3 2019-20 M.Sc. Analytica Miss. Niphade Samiksha S. 71.64 Third

Academic Year - 2018-19

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Ms. Kumavat Kirti Kailas 86.25% First
2 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Ms. Bagul Lata kondaji 84.25 % Second
3 2018-19 T.Y.B.Sc. Ms. Khan Shagufta Ashfaque 82.66 % Third
Post Graduate Organic Chemistry Rankers
1 2018-19 M.Sc. Organic C Mr. Deokar Dipak Balasaheb 74.68% First
2 2018-19 M.Sc. Organic C Ms.Deore Nikita Kailas 70.59% Second
3 2018-19 M.Sc. Organic C Ms. Sonawane Pallavi Dilip 69.41 % Third
Post Graduate Anaylitical Chemistry Rankers
1 2018-19 M.Sc. Analytica Ms.Sawant Sandhya B. 75.50 % First
2 2018-19 M.Sc. Analytica Ms.Khairnar Akshada Sanjay 70.73 % Second

Academic Year - 2017-18

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Ms. Thakare Rohini Baban 83.57 % First
2 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Mr. Sonawane Dipak Nana 79.78 % Second
3 2017-18 T.Y.B.Sc. Ms. Pawar Sonam Sanjay 78.63 % Third
Post Graduate Organic Chemistry Rankers
1 2017-18 M.Sc. Organic C Mr. Shirsath Harshal M. 77.23 % First
2 2017-18 M.Sc. Organic C Ms. Bothe Sonali R. 71.14% Second
3 2017-18 M.Sc. Organic C Mr. Deore Rahul S. 69.73% Third
Post Graduate Anaylitical Chemistry Rankers
1 2017-18 M.Sc. Analytica Ms. Kurane Mayuri P. 76.82 % First
2 2017-18 M.Sc. Analytica Ms. Karpe Pallavi S. 67.55 % Second
3 2017-18 M.Sc. Analytica Ms. Bhamre Harshada R. 67.50 % Third

Academic Year - 2016-2017

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2016-2017 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss Attar Ruksar Jamil 83.05 First
2 2016-2017 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss Sabale Megha Bhausaheb 80.10 Second
3 2016-2017 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss Sonawane Pallavi Dilip 78.47 Third
Post Graduate Organic Chemistry Rankers
1 2016-2017 M.Sc. Organic C Mr. Shaikh Tanveer Shaikh Bashir 74.95% First

Academic Year - 2015-2016

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2015-2016 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Shinde Madhuri Arun 80.94 First
2 2015-2016 T. Y. B.Sc. Mr. More Mahendra Shivaji 73.05 Second
3 2015-2016 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Jadhav Kalyani Hiraman 70.68 Third

Academic Year - 2014-2015

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2014-2015 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Wagh Jyoti Balasaheb 75.73 First
2 2014-2015 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Mandale Varsha Santu 74.84 Second
3 2014-2015 T. Y. B.Sc. Mr. Khairnar Rahul Popatrao 63.05 Third

Academic Year - 2013-2014

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2013-2014 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Jadhav Monali Sukdev 71.36 First
2 2013-2014 T. Y. B.Sc. Miss. Gunjal Monali Nandu 66.78 Second
Sr.No. Student Name Organization Class Passing Year View
1 Mr. Alai Pankaj R. Rusan Pharma, Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujrat M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
2 Mr. Sonawane Amol Helicose Life Science, Gwalior M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
3 Mr. Shejwal Sagar B. Helicose Life Science, Gwalior M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
4 Mr. Sonawane Amol Helicose Life Science, Gwalior M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
5 Mr. Shejwal Sagar B. Helicose Life Science, Gwalior M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
6 Mr. Ingale Pratibha N. Atmamalik English Medium School, Purangaon. M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
7 Mr. Mengal Mahendra Bharat Serum & Vaccines Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
8 Mr. Kulkarni Omkar Navin Fluorine Ltd. Devas, Indore M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
9 Mr. Kasar Anand G. Aarti Drugs Ltd, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
10 Mr. Gawali Amol B. Royal Pharma, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
11 Mr. Pingale Kalpesh E. Camlin Fine Science Ltd, Plot no. N-165, Tarapur MIDC, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
12 Mr. Biraris Kamlesh R. Aarti Drugs Ltd, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2018-19 -
13 Ms. Shinde Shraddha Kailas Matoshree Institute of Technology, Dhanore M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
14 Ms. Pawar Ashwini Namdev Institute of fire and Safety Management, Chandwad M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
15 Ms. Nikam Mayuri Jijamata kanya vidyalaya, Deola Dist Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
16 Mr. Gosavi Rajygi A.M.Patil arts commerce & Science Senior College Pimpalner M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
17 Ms. Shaikh Shiba Anis IQRA School Pune M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
18 Ms. Ansari Sayma Adinath English Medium School Malegoan Dist Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
19 Mr. Pingale Sandip Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
20 Mr. Dhokale Navnath Aarti Drugs Ltd.Plot no 211 &213 Sarigam Gujrat M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
21 Mr. Suryavanshi Rupesh Aarti Drugs Limited MIDC Tarapur M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
22 Ms. Khangal Mayuri Shamrao SNJB’s ACS College, Chandwad Dist- Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
23 Mr. Jadhav Chetan SNJB’s ACS College, Chandwad Dist- Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
24 Mr. Shirsath Harshal VSCL Ltd. Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
25 Mr. Deore Rahul S. Sun Pharma. Ltd. Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
26 Mr. Gangurde Vishal S. Aarti Drugs Ltd. Tarapur M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
27 Mr. Jagtap Dinesh Macleods Phrma. Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
28 Mr. Patil Sandip Aarti Drugs Ltd. Sarigam, Gujrat M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
29 Mr. Pawar Nitin Zen Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Vapi Gujrat M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
30 Mr. Shirsath Prashant Aarti Drugs Pvt. Ltd. Vapi, Gujrat M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
31 Mr. Nandre Akshay D. Aarti Drugs Pvt. Ltd. Tarapur M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
32 Ms. Bothe Sonali R. SNJB’s ACS College Chandwad Dist Nashik M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
33 Mr. Kasar Akash A. ACS College Kusumba, Dhule M.Sc.Chemistry 2017-18 -
34 Ms. Chavan Bharati R. Mylan Lab. Ltd. Aurangabad M.Sc.Chemistry 2016-17 -
35 Mr. Savale Ajay R. Avestha Pharma Ltd. Wada Mumbai M.Sc.Chemistry 2016-17 -
36 Mr. Wagh Jyoti B. B. P. Patil College Pimpalgaon M.Sc.Chemistry 2016-17 -
37 Mr. Khairnar Pankaj S. Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
38 Mr. Rokade Rajendra M. Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
39 Mr. Shinde Sandip B. Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
40 Mr. Pawar Samadhan A. Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
41 Mr. Jaiswal Vishal G. Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
42 Mr. Jadhav Nivrutti S. MAC-Chem Pvt. Ltd, Tarapur M.Sc.Chemistry 2015-16 -
43 Mr. More Mahendra S. Auregene Discovery, Banglore T.Y.B.Sc.Chem 2015-16 -
44 Mr. Khairnar Rahul GSK-CH Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai T.Y.B.Sc.Chem 2014-15 -
Sr.No. Student Name Organization Class Passing Year View
1 Mahale Ranjit Microlabs Ltd. Benglore M.Sc.Analytical 2019-2020 -
2 Argade Ashwini GFL Pvt.Ltd. Gujarat Panchmahal M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
3 Khandode Prashant SciTech Specialities Pvt.Ltd. Sinner M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
4 Gundgal Sachin Microlabs Ltd. Benglore M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
5 Suryavanshi Ketan V.S. International,Daman M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
6 Shinde Sanket Megafine Pharma Pvt.Ltd. Dindori M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
7 Sonawane Maahesh MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
8 Gaikwad Vikram Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Kurkumbh M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
9 Bhamare Ashitosh MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 -
10 Khule Atish MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Analytical 2019-20 View
11 Mr. Patil Ujwal P. Aarti Drugs Ltd,Sarigam M.Sc.Analytical 2018-19 -
12 Mr. Sonawane Sarvesh.S Royal Pharma, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Analytical 2018-19 -
13 Ms. Karpe Pallavi SNJB's ACS College Chandawad M.Sc.Analytica 2017-18 -
Sr.No. Student Name Organization Class Passing Year View
1 Somase Narayan MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
2 Gursal Shubham MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic Ch 2019-20 -
3 Pawar Narendra MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
4 Pagar Vikas MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
5 Nikam Pravin Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
6 Kasav Sunil MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
7 Aware Vaibhav MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic 2019-20 -
8 Kale Dattu MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic 2019-20 -
9 Chavan Krishna MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic 2019-20 -
10 Nimse Atish MSN Laboratories PVT.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic 2019-20 -
11 Aher Mahesh Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
12 Gade Asmita Jubilant Chemsys, Noida, New Delhi. M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
13 Shinde Pravin MSN Laboratories Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad M.Sc.Organic C 2019-20 -
14 Mrs. Rohini G. Jadhav SNJB's ACS College Chandawad M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -
15 Ms. Jadhav Rohini G. SNJB's Arts, Commerce & SScience College,Chandawd M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -
16 Ms. Vibhute Priyanka I. MacLeods Pharmaceutical, Sarigam,Vapi. M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -
17 Mr. Gawali Sunil R. Royal Pharma, Boisar, Mumbai M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -
18 Ms. Sonawane Pallavi D. Eklavya Foundation M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -
19 Miss. Monali B.Jadhav SNJB's ACS College Chandawad M.Sc.Organic C 2018-19 -

Under Graduate Courses


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
F.Y.B.Sc Physical Chemistry CH-101 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Organic Chemistry CH-102 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Practical Course CH-103 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Inorganic Chemistry Paper-I-sem-II CH-201 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Analytical Chemistry CH-202 Compulsory UG
F.Y.B.Sc Chemistry Practical CH-203 Compulsory UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
S.Y.B.Sc Physical & Analytical Chemistry CH-301 Optional UG
S.Y.B.Sc Organic & Inorganic Chemistry CH-302 Optional UG
S.Y.B.Sc Practical Course CH-303 Optional UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
T.Y.B.Sc Physical Chemistry CH-301 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Inorganic Chemistry CH-332 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Organic Chemistry CH-333 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Analytical Chemistry CH-334 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Industrial Chemistry CH-335 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Environmental & Green Chemistry CH-336-D Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Physical Chemistry Practicals CH-347 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Inorganic Chemistry Practicals CH-348 Compulsory UG
T.Y.B.Sc Organic Chemistry Practicals CH-349 Compulsory UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
S.Y.B.Sc. Physical and Analytical Chemistry CH-401 Compulsory UG
S.Y.B.Sc. Inorganic and Organic Chemistry CH-402 Compulsory UG
S.Y.B.Sc. Practical Cource CH-403 Compulsory UG

M.Sc. I

Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc. I Physical Chemistry - II ( Molecular Spectroscopy and Nuclear Chemistry) CHP - 210 Compulsory UG
M.Sc. I Inorganic Chemistry - II ( Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry ) CHI - 230 Compulsory UG

Post Graduate Courses


Class Name Course Name Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc-I Physical Chemistry-I (Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry) CHP-110 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Inorganic Chemistry-I (Molecular Symmetry & Chemistry of Main Group elements) CHI-130 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Organic Chemistry-I (Basic Organic Chemistry) CHO-150 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Sec-I General Chemistry-I Introduction to Chemical Biology-I CHG-190 Optional PG
M.Sc-I Basic Practical Chemistry P-I CHP-107 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-I Sec-II General Chemistry Practical : Chemical Biology Practical-I CHG-190 Optional PG

M.Sc-II (Organic Che

Class Name Course Name Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Organic Reaction Mechanism and Biogenesis CHO-350 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Structure Determination of Organic Compounds By Spectroscopic Methods CHO-351 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Stereochemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis of Organic Compounds CHO-352 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Designing Organic Synthesis and Heterocyclic Chemistry CHO-353 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Practical I : Solvent Free Organic Synthesis CHO-354 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Chemistry of Natural Product CHO-450 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis CHO-451 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che A) Medicinal Chemistry B) Applied Organic Chemistry CHO-452 Optional PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Practical III : Section I - Ternary Mixture Separation Section I - Carbohydrates Synthesis and Isolation of Natural Products Section - I Project / Industrial Training / Internships / Summer Project CHO-453 Optional PG
M.Sc-II (Organic Che Practical II - Convergent and Divergent Organic Synthesis CHO-454 Compulsory PG

M.Sc-II (Analytical

Class Name Course Name Course Code Course Type Level
M.Sc-II (Analytical Electrochemical and Thermogravimetric Methods of Chemical Analysis CHA-390 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Analytical Method Development and Extraction Techniques CHA-391 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Advanced Chromatographic Methods of Chemical Analysis CHA-392 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical A) Bioanalytical Chemistry B) Analysis of Food and Controlled Substance CHA-393 Optional PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Practical I : Basics of Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis CHA-394 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Advanced Analytical Spectroscopic Techniques CHA-490 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Analytical Methods for Analysis of Fertilizers, Detergents, Water & Polymer, Paint and Pigment CHA-491 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Chemical Methods of Pharmaceuticals Analysis CHA-491 Compulsory PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical A) Laboratory Automation and Environmental Analytical Chemistry B) Analytical Chemistry of agriculture, polymer and Detergents CHA-492 Optional PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Practical III : A) Optional Analytical Chemistry Practical B) Project CHA-493 Optional PG
M.Sc-II (Analytical Practical II : Applied Analytical Chemistry Practical CHA-494 Compulsory PG

Downloads - Chemistry

Sr.No. Class Chapter/Practical Topic Name of Teacher Download
1 M.Sc.I (CHG-290) Electroanalytical techniques and analysis Practical Sheets (Semester II) Dr. Arvind Patil, Prof. Sonali P. Nikam , Prof. Sajeda Samreen Download
2 M.Sc-I (CHP-107) : Physical Chemistry Practical Practical Sheets (Semester I) Dr. Arvind Patil, Prof. Sonali P. Nikam , Prof. Sajeda Samreen Download
3 M.Sc-I CHP-107:Organic Chemistry Practical Sheets Prof. Rohini G. Jadhav Download
Sr.No. Name of Equipment Specifications Make Quantity Funded by
1 Flame Photometer Range-0-100 ppm for Na 0-100ppm For K ESICO 01 MRP-BCUD
2 Digital Melting Point Apparatus Temp=0 to 300 °C Resolution=0.1 °C EI 01 MRP-UGC
3 Digital Melting Point Apparatus Temp=0 to 300.C Resolution=0.1.c20.c STURT 01 MRP-UGC
4 Digital Melting Point Apparatus Temp=0 to 300.C Resolution=0.1.c DBK 01 MRP-BCUD
5 Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Speed-100-1500 Rpm Temp=0 to 340.C Remi 01 MRP-BCUD
6 Muffle Furnace Size-25x13x13 cm Standard Working Temperature-1600.c Labline 01 MRP-UGC
7 Digital Balance Acc-230gm/0.0001gm Contech 01 MRP-UGC
8 pH Meter Range-0 to 14.00pH mV-0 to +1999 mV Equip-Tronics 01 MRP-BCUD
9 Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. Heating Capacity-300 Watts, Remi 01 MRP-BCUD
10 Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. Heating Capacity-300 Watts, Remi 01 MRP-BCUD
11 Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. Heating Capacity-300 Watts, Remi 01 MRP-BCUD
12 Digital Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. Heating Capacity-300 Watts, Remi 01 MRP-UGC
13 UV Cabinet Short UV-254 nm, Long UV-365nm &Visible Light Labline 03 MRP-BCUD
14 pH Meter Pen Type Waterproof Henna 03 MRP-BCUD
15 Water Bath Round Cap 230 Volt, Watts-1000 Bio Technics India 01 MRP-UGC
16 Vacuum Pump Flow-45, Vaccum-27, Pressure-55,Speed-1440, Motor-1/4 CE 01 MRP-UGC
17 Heating Mantle 500ml 500 ml ,Temp- 1.C to100.C Labline 04 MRP-UGC
18 Digital Mag.Stirrer With Hot Plate Temp-0 to 380.C , Freq-50/60 , Voltage-100-240 D Lab 01 MRP-BCUD
19 Nephelometer 0-1000 NTU Systronics 01 --
20 Polarimeter Detection of angle of rotation-+200 degree(Acc=+1Deg.) Equip-tronics 01 --
21 Spectrophotometer 340 to 999nm detection Systronics 01 --
22 Photoflurometer 0.1 ppm detection Systronics 01 --
23 Conductivity Meter Range-01m to 200mm in Six ranges.Acc-+1% +last 2 digit Equip-Tronics 04 --
24 Colorimeter Measurement-a)Transmittance ‘T’-0-100% b)Absorption Log ‘T’-0-2 Selenium Photo Cell Equip-Tronics 04 --
25 Potentiometer Full Scale Count-1.999 Volts,Acc-.0001 Volts,Resolution-1-2000 Equip-Tronics 04 --
26 pH Meter Range-0 to 14.00pH mV-0 to +1999 mV Equip-Tronics 04 --
27 pH Meter Range-0 to 14.00pH mV-0 to +1999 mV Equip-Tronics 04 --
28 Magnetic Stirrer Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. External Dimension-150 x 220 x 150, X Length-9x35 mm Remi 10 --
29 Hot Air Oven Temp Range-50.c to 250.c Labline 01 --
30 Hot Air Oven Temp Range-50.c to 250.c Bio Technics 01 --
31 Water Bath TempRange-30 .c to 100.c Size-14X10X4 Labline 01 --
32 Digital Water Bath Temp Range-50 .C to 250.CAcc-+/-2.C Bio Technics 03 --
33 Round Water Bath Temp Range-50 .C to 250.CAcc-+/-2.C Coslab 01 MRP-BCUD
34 Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate Stirring Capacity-2 Ltr. Heating Capacity-300 Watts, Remi 10 --
35 Centrifuge Machine Spped-3500 RPM,Maximum Force-1750 xg,Weight-5 kg Remi 02 --
36 Digital Balance Cap-300gm,Acc-0.01gm Aczel 01 --
37 Digital Analytical Balance Capacity-220gm,Sens-0.001gm Contech 02 --
38 Digital Balance Cap-300gm,Acc-0.01gm Citizen 06 --
39 Distillation Plant Capacity-4 Ltr Bio Technics 01 --
40 Distillation Plant Capacity-4 Ltr MI 01 --
41 Heating Mantle 500 ml Temp- 1.C to100.C MI 02 --
42 Heating Mantle 250 ml Temp- 1.C to100.C MI 02 --
43 Abbe Refractometer Resolution-1% , Acc-0.2% ,Wt-4.2 kg RSR 01 --
44 Abbe Refractometer Resolution-1% , Acc-0.2% ,Wt-4.2 kg Coslab 01 --
45 UV Cabinet Short UV-254 nm, Long UV-365nm & Visible Light 01 --
46 IR-Lamp -- MI 05 --
47 Vacuum Pump Flow-15, Vaccum-22, Pressure-25, Speed-1440 -- 03 -
48 Vaccum Pump Power-1/4 HP, Free air displacement-2.0 CEF Valve 01 --
49 FTIR-Affinity 1 SWL Beam Splitter-Germanum-coated KBr, Wavenumber range-7,800 to 350 cm-1 Resolution-0.5,1,2,4,8,16 cm-1 Dimension-514(W)x606(D)x273(H)mm Weight-35 Kg Shimadzu 01 --
50 UV-VISIBLE ( 2600 ) Wavenumber range-220nm to 1400nm Wavelength repeatability-+0.05nm Resolution-0.1 nm Dimension-W450xD600xH250 (mm) Weight-23 Kg Shimadzu 01 --
51 Analytical Balance . Shimadzu 1 DST-FIST
52 Digital Colorimeter . Systronics 4 B.Voc.
53 Digital Flame Photometer . Systronics 1 B.Voc.
54 Digital Conductivity Meter . Equiptronics 4 B.Voc.
55 Digital Potentiometer . Equiptronics 2 B.Voc.
56 Digital pH - Meter . Equiptronics 4 B.Voc.
57 Suction Pump . Biotech 3 B.Voc.
58 Digital Refractometer . Labman 1 B.Voc.
59 Ice Flaker . Labman 1 B.Voc.
60 Digital Balance . Wensar 1 B.Voc.
61 Digital Magnetic stirrer . Cole Parmer 4 B.Voc.
62 Oven Stainless steel . Labline 2 B.Voc.
63 Ultrasonic Cleaning Bathe . Labline 1 B.Voc.
64 Double Distillation . Borosill 1 B.Voc.
65 Barometer with Wooden Case and Mercury . . 1 B.Voc.
66 Safety Eye Wash Unit Well Mounted G.I. . . 1 B.Voc.
67 Magnetic Stirrer . Remi 12 B.Voc.
68 Digital Magnetic stirrer with hot plate . Remi 2 B.Voc.
Sr.No. Other Activity
1 Students participated and won second prize Chemiad Quiz Competition conducted by M.S.G. College Malegaon, Dist Nashik

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