  • DST-FIST Sponsored College (2018-19)
  • UGC-NSQF Courses (B. Voc. & C.C.)
  • Best College Award – 2015-16 of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
  • NAAC Reacredited B++ Grade with CGPA 2.95 (3rd cycle 2020)
  • Scope and Importance
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  • Students Strength
  • Classwise Result
  • Workshop/ Seminars Conducted by Department
  • Workshop/ Seminars Attended
  • Research Projects
  • Research Publications
  • Books Publications
  • Details about Collaboration
  • Other Co-Curricular Activities
  • Awards and Achievements
  • Department Rankers
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Vision “To sharpen the techniques, skills and knowledge about Geography among the students for global competency and sustainable development’’

Mission “To make every individual responsible for sustain and save the Earth’’
Geography is the science of the study of the Earth. The subject has interdisciplinary, dynamic and scientific nature. Physical Geography and Human Geography are major branches of this subject. Presently the subject has wide scope in the field of planning and spatial analysis. Geoinformatics (Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing and GPS) technology and its application is new stream of the study of geography.
It also creates job opportunities for the students of Geography. Applied Geomorphology, Coastal and fluvial Geomorphology, Environmental Modeling, Climatology and Hydrology, Soil Geography, Human Geography, Statistics Geography, Tourism Geography, Regional Planning, Cartography, Surveying, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Resources and its management, Agriculture, Settlements, Economic Geography, Geopolitics etc are major sub branches of the geography which focus in understanding and resolving about the issues of the environment, culture and sustainable development.
The department has all modern equipments, facilities, infrastructure, spacious laboratory and staff room that are required for teaching, learning and research. The faculty of department is engaged in teaching, research and extension activities. The department has been organizes various academic activities regularly in order to develop research culture among the learning community.

Permanent Teachers Full Time Teachers Total
Associate Assistant
NET 0 0 1 1
SET 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0
NET /SET and Ph.D./M.phil. 0 1 0 1
M.A./M.Com./M.Sc. 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1 2

Teaching Staff (Permanent)

Dr. Changdev K. Kudnar

DesignationAssistant Professor,HOD
QualificationM.A., Ph.D.
E-Mail Idckkudnar@yahoo.com
Experience 16 Years

Teaching Staff ( Temporary )

Mr. Ramdas M. Shinde

DesignationAssistant Professor
QualificationM.A., NET
E-Mail Idramdasshinde789@gmail.com
Experience 6 Years

Under Graduate Student Strength

Year FY
Total SY
Total TY
2024-25 90 99 189 8 27 35 11 7 18
2023-24 127 154 281 29 10 39 6 22 28
2022-23 158 97 255 14 25 39 11 25 36
2021-22 224 155 379 18 38 56 28 13 41
2020-21 184 151 335 37 14 51 14 20 34
2019-20 207 167 374 10 15 25 12 14 26
2018-19 201 175 376 13 15 28 11 17 28
2018-19 243 140 383 64 80 144 36 56 92
2017-18 212 156 368 21 27 48 12 7 19
2017-18 237 155 392 67 78 145 44 51 95
2016-17 195 135 330 14 11 25 45 65 110
2016-17 181 142 323 61 63 124 48 69 117
2015-16 213 154 367 89 103 192 53 68 121
2014-15 210 199 409 92 88 180 62 76 138
2013-14 128 133 261 82 86 168 61 63 124

Post Graduate Student Strength

Year M.A.-I
Total M.A.-II
2024-25 3 9 12 2 14 16
2023-24 2 14 16 12 8 20
2022-23 12 8 20 7 13 20
2021-22 7 13 20 9 3 12
2020-21 12 3 15 0

Under Graduate Classwise Result

Year FY
2023-24 213 195 91.55 31 29 93.55 32 30 93.75
2022-23 252 248 98.41 34 34 100.00 39 36 92.31
2021-22 325 305 93.85 34 33 97.06 32 29 90.63
2020-21 260 252 96.92 39 37 94.87 33 29 87.88
2019-20 301 285 94.68 45 43 95.56 29 27 93.10
2018-19 363 347 95.59 27 26 96.30 32 32 100.00
2017-18 423 328 77.54 39 37 94.87 17 17 100.00
2016-17 365 329 90.14 113 104 92.04 129 123 95.35
2015-16 380 257 67.63 153 140 91.50 119 109 91.60
2014-15 414 383 92.51 214 189 88.32 149 149 100.00
2013-14 248 221 89.11 162 148 91.36 116 116 100.00

Post Graduate Classwise Result

Year M.A.-I
2023-24 16 15 93.75 18 9 50.00
2022-23 20 15 75.00 20 12 60.00
2021-22 12 11 91.67 15 10 66.67


Sr.No. Title Date Level Co-Ordinator Sponsored By Activity Report
1 Total Station Survey 04/05/2023 to 04/05/2023 Institute Dr. C. K. Kudnar Institute Report
2 Life Skill Workshop 26/04/2023 to 29/04/2023 Institute Dr. C. K. Kudnar Institute Report
3 Personality Development/ Employability Skills 11/05/2022 to 22/05/2022 Institute Dr. C. K. Kudnar Institute Report
4 Training on “Post-Harvest Management of Onions and Grapes” under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) 11/10/2021 to 13/10/2021 Regional Dr. C. K. Kudnar ICAR-CIPHET Report
5 GPS and Remote Sensing 08/02/2018 to 09/02/2018 University Dr.Kudnar C.K. Self -
6 Geographical Information System (GIS) & Its Applications 21/12/2017 to 22/12/2017 State Dr. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Report
International National State Total
2 1 1 4
Year Faculty Paper Title Conf. Name Place Level
2017-18 SHRI. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Socio-economic status of scheduled tribes in Nashik District, Maharashtra Multidisciplinary Approaches of Remote sensing & Gis Sangamner college sangamner National
2017-18 SHRI. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Demographic Characteristics of Scheduled tribes in Nashik District Geographical information system (GIS)and Its Application (Journal-Dec.2016) Nashik State
2013-14 SHRI. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Sustanibility, Enviroment and SocityPaper-Water Resource:conservation Method of Water Resource Madras University Chennai, Tamilnadu International
2013-14 SHRI. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Paradigm ShiftPaper-problem and prospects of tribal population in Nashik District Kopargaon International
Major Projects Minor Projects Total
Ongoing 0 1 1
Completed 0 1 1
Total Projects 0 2 2
Total Amount 0.00/- 275,000.00/- 275,000.00/-

Ongoing Research Projects

Minor Projects (Ongoing)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Dr. C. K. Kudnar Socio- Economic Development of Tribal population In Nashik District Maharashtra BCUD, SPPU, Pune 190000.00 2016 2018
Total 190,000.00/-

Completed Research Projects

Minor Projects (Completed)

Sr.No. Name of Principal Investigator Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Start Duration End Duration
1 Dr. C. K. Kudnar Agricultural Problems and Prospect in Chandwad Taluka-A Geographical Analysis WRO, UGC, Pune 85000.00 2012 2014
Total 85,000.00/-
Sr.No. Title of the Paper Name of the Authors Name of Journal, Vol. (No.), Pages Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN Number
1 A Geographical Analysis of tribal population in Nashik district, Maharashtra C. K. Kudnar Ajanta 2019 22775730
Sr.No. Year Activity
1 2016-18 Extra Mural activity
2 2016-18 Samntrak YCMOU
Sr.No. Staff Member Award
1 DR. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR NSS Best Programme Officer,Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune ,8 July 2015
2 DR. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR Sarvapali Radhakrushna Shikshakratna National awardAngulimal Trust Nagpur04 April 2014
3 DR. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR I have been honoured by Perennial Assistance Award IIT MHRD New Delhi. we are the recipient of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme.
4 DR. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR National Award Certificate of Appreciation by IIRS -ISRO Deharadun 2022 and 2023
5 DR. CHANGDEV KISAN KUDNAR 4. I have been honoured by Rubicon Brakle British Bank international Award for organized Life skill Programme for Students.
    [2023-24] => Array
            [PG] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => 376
                            [year] => 2023-24
                            [cclass] => M.A/M.Sc-l
                            [sname] => PAWAR RUPALI ASHOK
                            [per] => 80.25
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [1] => Array
                            [id] => 375
                            [year] => 2023-24
                            [cclass] => M.A/M.Sc-ll
                            [sname] => HANDGE ROSHAN SUKDEV
                            [per] => 67.25
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography


            [UG] => Array
                    [2] => Array
                            [id] => 374
                            [year] => 2023-24
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => KASAV SONALI SANJAY
                            [per] => 60.25
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [3] => Array
                            [id] => 373
                            [year] => 2023-24
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHELAR GAYATRI PRAKASH
                            [per] => 74.33
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2022-23] => Array
            [PG] => Array
                    [4] => Array
                            [id] => 372
                            [year] => 2022-23
                            [cclass] => M.A/M.Sc-l
                            [sname] => THORAT RITESH BHASKAR
                            [per] => 66.80
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [5] => Array
                            [id] => 371
                            [year] => 2022-23
                            [cclass] => M.A/M.Sc-ll
                            [sname] => TANPURE JYOTI NAVNATH
                            [per] => 84.25
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography


            [UG] => Array
                    [6] => Array
                            [id] => 370
                            [year] => 2022-23
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHELAR GAYATRI PRAKASH
                            [per] => 74.83
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [7] => Array
                            [id] => 369
                            [year] => 2022-23
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHINDE RUTIKA BHAUSAHEB
                            [per] => 73.16
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2021-22] => Array
            [PG] => Array
                    [8] => Array
                            [id] => 368
                            [year] => 2021-22
                            [cclass] => M.A/M.Sc-II
                            [sname] => SHINDE SONAL BHAUSAHEB
                            [per] => 85.60
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography


            [UG] => Array
                    [9] => Array
                            [id] => 367
                            [year] => 2021-22
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHINDE RUTIKA BHAUSAHEB
                            [per] => 74.50
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [10] => Array
                            [id] => 366
                            [year] => 2021-22
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => MAHALE MANOJ RAMESH
                            [per] => 70.50
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2020-21] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [11] => Array
                            [id] => 365
                            [year] => 2020-21
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => MAHALE MANOJ RAMESH
                            [per] => 71.50
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [12] => Array
                            [id] => 364
                            [year] => 2020-21
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => AHIRE SUVARNA MADHUKAR
                            [per] => 77.08
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2019-20] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [13] => Array
                            [id] => 363
                            [year] => 2019-20
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => POTE ASHWINI DASHRATH
                            [per] => 78.30
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [14] => Array
                            [id] => 362
                            [year] => 2019-20
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHINDE PRIYANKA SUNIL
                            [per] => 66.20
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2018-19] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [15] => Array
                            [id] => 361
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => S.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => SHINDE PRIYANKA SUNIL
                            [per] => 67.33
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography

                    [16] => Array
                            [id] => 360
                            [year] => 2018-19
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => NIKAM RINA SUBHASH
                            [per] => 79.67
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2017-18] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [17] => Array
                            [id] => 308
                            [year] => 2017-18
                            [cclass] => T.Y.B.A
                            [sname] => BARKALE AMOL KRUSHNA
                            [per] => 74.91
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography



    [2016-17] => Array
            [UG] => Array
                    [18] => Array
                            [id] => 1
                            [year] => 2016-17
                            [cclass] => SYBA
                            [sname] => DHOMASE VISHAL SHASHIKANT
                            [per] => 78.50
                            [urankno] => 1st
                            [dept] => Geography




Academic Year - 2023-24

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2023-24 S.Y.B.A KASAV SONALI SANJAY 60.25 1st
2 2023-24 T.Y.B.A SHELAR GAYATRI PRAKASH 74.33 1st
Post Graduate Rankers
1 2023-24 M.A/M.Sc-l PAWAR RUPALI ASHOK 80.25 1st
2 2023-24 M.A/M.Sc-ll HANDGE ROSHAN SUKDEV 67.25 1st

Academic Year - 2022-23

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2022-23 S.Y.B.A SHELAR GAYATRI PRAKASH 74.83 1st
2 2022-23 T.Y.B.A SHINDE RUTIKA BHAUSAHEB 73.16 1st
Post Graduate Rankers
1 2022-23 M.A/M.Sc-l THORAT RITESH BHASKAR 66.80 1st
2 2022-23 M.A/M.Sc-ll TANPURE JYOTI NAVNATH 84.25 1st

Academic Year - 2021-22

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2021-22 S.Y.B.A SHINDE RUTIKA BHAUSAHEB 74.50 1st
2 2021-22 T.Y.B.A MAHALE MANOJ RAMESH 70.50 1st
Post Graduate Rankers
1 2021-22 M.A/M.Sc-II SHINDE SONAL BHAUSAHEB 85.60 1st

Academic Year - 2020-21

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2020-21 S.Y.B.A MAHALE MANOJ RAMESH 71.50 1st
2 2020-21 T.Y.B.A AHIRE SUVARNA MADHUKAR 77.08 1st

Academic Year - 2019-20

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2019-20 S.Y.B.A POTE ASHWINI DASHRATH 78.30 1st
2 2019-20 T.Y.B.A SHINDE PRIYANKA SUNIL 66.20 1st

Academic Year - 2018-19

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2018-19 S.Y.B.A SHINDE PRIYANKA SUNIL 67.33 1st
2 2018-19 T.Y.B.A NIKAM RINA SUBHASH 79.67 1st

Academic Year - 2017-18

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers
1 2017-18 T.Y.B.A BARKALE AMOL KRUSHNA 74.91 1st

Academic Year - 2016-17

Sr.No. Year Class Student Name CGPA/Percentage Rank No.
Under Graduate Rankers

Under Graduate Courses


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
F.Y.B.A. Elements of Geomorphology 1207 Optional UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
F.Y.B.Com Commercial geography 1313 Optional UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
S.Y.B.A. Geography of Disaster Management 2207 Optional UG
S.Y.B.A. Tourism Geography 2208 Optional UG
S.Y.B.A. Fundamentals of Geographical Analysis 2209 Compulsory UG


Class Name Course Name University Code Course Code Course Type Level
T.Y.B.A. Human Geography 3207 Optional UG
T.Y.B.A. Agriculture Geography 3208 Optional UG
T.Y.B.A. Techniques of Spatial Analysis 3209 Optional UG
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